The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Tag: Jeffersonville

  • What Happened at Assembly April 7, 2016

    POV enjoyed the hospitality of First Presbyterian in Jeffersonville.  The windows in the sanctuary have been refurbished in a major project that has been completed since the last time that the Presbytery met there. Ruling Elder Zack Ellision moderated his first meeting. The Transitional Executive from the Synod of Lincoln Trails was present.  Sara Dingman…

  • 185th Anniversary at First Presbyterian Church of Jeffersonville, IN

    Dr. Louis Weeks, retired President of Union Presbyterian Seminary and former Dean of Louisville Seminary, will be the guest preacher and teacher for First Presbyterian Church of Jeffersonville, Indiana’s 185th Anniversary Celebration, the weekend of May 23 & 24. All are invited to a workshop at the church on Saturday morning, from 8:30 till noon,…

  • Highlighting our Earth Care Congregations

    I recently received the following email from Rebecca Barnes, Associate for Environmental Ministries with the Presbyterian Mission Agency, celebrating the re-certification of First Presbyterian Church, Jeffersonville, as an Earth Care Congregation. Unity Presbyterian Church, Terre Haute, is also certified as an earth care Congregation. If your congregation would like to consider joining this effort, please read below for more…

  • Jeffersonville First Offers Public Lecture on John Muir

    Restless Fires: John Muir’s 1000-Mile Walk to the Gulf 1867-68 Author James B. Hunt will discuss his book about John Muir’s 1000-mile walk from Jeffersonville to Florida in 1867-68 on Sunday, April 28, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, 222 Walnut Street, Jeffersonville. Muir is best known as the co-founder of the…

  • The EVENT for Jr. and Sr. High Students

    The EVENT takes place on November 13th from 3:00pm to 10:00pm at Corydon Presbyterian Church – 568 Hwy 62 West. There will be food, friends, corn hole and karaoke – And….. The Great Romance will be there in concert at 7:00pm!!!!! This event is sponsored by the Presbytery of Ohio Valley, Corydon Presbyterian, 1st Presbyterian…