The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Synod Meeting Highlights

by Carol McDonald – Synod Executive

The Synod of Lincoln Trails held its first stated meeting of 2013 on Friday, March 22, at First Presbyterian Church, Urbana, IL. The Synod’s Moderator, Teaching Elder Cheryl Montgomery, Presbytery of Whitewater Valley, called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. CDT. Ruling Elder commissioners Brenda Taylor, Presbytery of Chicago, and Bob Song, Presbytery of Midwest Hanmi were welcomed to their first Synod meeting. It was noted that the Presbyteries of Blackhawk, Chicago, and Great Rivers could claim 100% attendance by their commissioners!

The Synod spent about 90 minutes concluding its study of The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander. After viewing the Zanders’ DVD, small group discussion focused on the questions, “which concepts can make a difference in the life of the Synod and what am I willing to do to make this happen?” Total group reflection “mapped” the conversation and a strong common thread of “communication” emerged.

The Synod also:

  • Installed Teaching Elder Jennifer Burns Lewis, Presbytery of Chicago, as Moderator for 2013, and Teaching Elder David W. Jones, Presbytery of Blackhawk as Vice Moderator for 2013. Out-going Moderator Cheryl Montgomery was thanked for her service.
