The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Synod All New Pastors Reunion

Save These Dates: November 21-23, 2013

Synod of Lincoln Trails’ New Pastor Program Participants Invited to Reunion

The Synod of Lincoln Trails is excited to sponsor the first ever REUNION of ALL New Pastors Program participants. Beginning with Group One and including everyone, even Group Twenty Two!

The retreat will be held at Hawthorn Suites in Champaign, IL, beginning with supper Thursday evening, followed by worship, play and reflection. Ending after breakfast on Saturday morning.

Your cost is ONLY $100! Spread the word among your old new pastor friends!

Would you like to help plan the event? Share talents of music, art or dance? Contact Peggy McDonald,

Click here for the invitation.

Click here for a registration form

Or watch for online registration and payment information on the Synod website.