The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Spring Courses at Union Presbyterian Seminary

What’s happening at the Leadership Institute this spring?

A lot!  And now is a great time to register for one or more of these offerings:


  • March 11 Render Unto Caesar (clergy taxes and terms of call) – Richmond campus.  There is no cost for this workshop; lunch is available for $12.
  • April 11-14  Stewardship:  In an era when there isn’t enough, how do we teach/preach generosity? Richmond campus.  Led by Laura and Chuck Mendenhall. $250 ($195 for those who register by March 4).
  • April 19-21 The PC(USA) Today and Tomorrow – Richmond campus.  Led by Heath Rada, General Assembly Moderator, and Mark Ramsey, pastor in Austin, TX.  $195 ($150 for those who register by March 11).
  • April 26-28 Welcoming the Stranger: Hospitality in the Small Church – Richmond campus.  Led by Marilyn Johns.  $130 ($95 for those who register by March 18).
  • May 17-19 Not by Bread Alone:  Faith and the politics of food – Richmond campus.  Led by UPSem faculty Dawn DeVries, Paul Galbreath, and Christine Luckritz Marquis.  $195 ($150 for those who register by April 8).

Certification Courses – please note that all certification courses are also open to those not seeking    certification:

  • April 5-7  Biblical Interpretation (Christian Educator Certification) – Richmond campus.  Led by Carson Brisson.  This is a hybrid course – 18 hours of work will be completed at home, beginning on March 7.  The other 12 hours will be in-class.  $295.
  • April 7 and 21  Human Resources Issues (Church Business Administration Certification) – Charlotte campus.  This is a two-day course.  April 7 will deal with the legal aspects of human resources, and April 21 will be for personnel and relational aspects of HR.  For certification the two sessions must both be taken.  $170 for the two-day seminar, $275 for all four spring seminars.
  • May 5 Communications Issues (Church Business Administration Certification) – Charlotte campus.   Led by Ken Garfield.  $85 for this seminar, $275 for all four spring seminars.
  • May 19  Strategic Planning Issues (Church Business Administration Certification) – Charlotte campus.  Led by Ken McFayden.  $85 for this seminar, $275 for all four spring seminars.

Free Lectures:

  • March 14 The Dawe Lecture:  A Global Covenant of Religion?  Richmond campus, 7:30 – 9 p.m.  Presented by Peter Ochs.  There is no charge or registration for this lecture.
  • April 18 The Howie Lectures:  The Common Ground of Wonder: How a Biblical Scholar Works with Scientists.  Richmond campus.  Presented by William P. Brown.  There will be a seminar and conversation with a free lunch from 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. on the topic, “From Ardi to Adam:        How Anthropology Rewrites Genesis.”  Registration is required for those who want lunch.  The evening lecture, “From Ash Heap to Asteroids:  How Astrobiology Rewrites Job,” will take place from 7:30 – 9 p.m. and does not require registration.

Both of these evening lectures will be live streamed at

For more information, go to