The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Pyoca Work Day & Camp News

May 28, 2011 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Come spend the day with us as we make the final push for summer camp to start!  We will have projects for EVERYONE!  Meet the summer staff, have fun, and know you are making a difference at OUR ministry!  Please R.S.V.P. to Rich Swartwood by May 20th so we can be prepared for the day!

Summer Camp update

Camp is just around the corner!  We are blessed to have registrations coming in on a regular basis.  Many camps are over half-full with the Jr. High Trip Camp full already (we even doubled the size of the program to accommodate the demand!)  While camps are filling, it is not TOO late for YOU to sign up! Be sure to register soon so you can experience Pyoca this summer.  Why not invite a friend as well?  Registration material can be found at  Scholarship funds are available by

Read the rest of the PYOCA April 2011 newsletter.