The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Pyoca News: Registrations for Summer Camp and Confirmation Retreat are Open!

Summer Camp

Camper registration is officially open and families may notice a few changes, as our registration system has gotten a bit of a facelift. We hope you find registration to be easier, more informative, and more efficient. For information regarding what you will need to register, head on over to our website.

Be sure to check out our new programs! Both You & Me Camp and C.I.T. Camp (Counselor in Training) were introduced in 2019 with great success, and we want to make sure families get to know these fantastic programs in 2020. We also have a brand new environmental program for Discover age campers!

Confirmation Retreat – March 2020

All 2020 PC(USA) confirmands and their mentors are welcome to join us as we connect with confirmands across IN, KY, and OH. Learn about what binds us together, not only as Presbyterians, but as a universal church. Come ready to make new friends and start your statement of faith!
Each year, our goal is to connect youth to a wider Christian community beyond their local congregation.

We believe it is especially important for youth to build a supportive faith network of peers with the support of their pastors and mentors. This retreat will place youth into house churches that will build their own churches through team building, low ropes, high ropes (weather permitting), and developing a church statement of faith outlining their church’s understanding of Christian discipleship. We will also explore PC(USA)’s understanding of discipleship through the Matthew 25 initiative.

We highly encourage confirmation mentors to join their youth. Mentorship in the church is a key factor in continued youth engagement and faith formation. The cost per person is $110 for the weekend. This includes all meals, lodging, adventure activities, and programming. Registration forms available here.