The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Presbyterian Women Notes

Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Ohio Valley (PWPOV) exist to be the connectional link between the women of the churches in our presbytery and the larger church.

We are looking for Presbyterian women in the congregation who want to help connect with women in the presbytery. This involves a commitment of time and energy. Interested in being a connector?  Contact Pat, Beth, or Bevin.

Future Gathering Opportunities:

Synod: June 24-26, 2011 “Celebrate the Spirit,” was chosen as the theme. The focus will be on spiritual development. Dr. Robin Chaddock will be the keynote speaker and there will be workshops on servanthood, being God’s messengers, taking care of the body, and meditation. The Geneva Center in Rochester, IN will host this gathering.

Churchwide: 2012 in Orlando, Florida! Save the date – July 18-22, 2012
Experience the worship of a lifetime with 4,000 of the best women you will ever meet! Save your money now. For promotional materials contact PW:

Your presbytery coordinating team will provide some scholarship opportunities.
Contact Beth: 812-523-4441

FACEBOOK – be our friend – link to Presbyterian Women in Presbytery of Ohio Valley
Questions: contact Bevin: 812-498-7807