The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Presbyterian Polity, Program and Mission Educator Certification Course

Christian educators, teaching and ruling elders, and church members are sometimes not aware of the rich resources in the Book of Order, and the ability of polity to empower congregational ministry, faith formation, spiritual practices, and vocation as a mark of the God who sends the church into the world.

Exploring polity in the context of the General Assembly will provide participants a broad understanding of the structure, governance, and mission of the PC(USA) and a vibrant picture of the church at work on the important issues that shape life and faith. In addition, access to the exhibit hall will provide lively interaction with resource materials produced by the denomination and the people who actively engage the denomination in ministry and mission. Through participation in worship, observation of committee discernment, plenary debate, decision-making, and interaction with denominational leadership course participants will be immersed in the work of this council that brings the diverse church together as one representation of the body of Christ.

The course begins at 8:45 a.m. on Saturday morning, June 18, and concludes at noon on Wednesday, June 22. The instructor is Joyce MacKichan Walker. Advance registration is required—select the Educator Certification Course component as you register; the $320 fee includes the course fee and the GA registration fee.

For more information, contact Debbie Hough,