The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Post Area Gatherings Message

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Susan McGhee and I have just finished our area meetings to interpret some of the recent actions of the General Assembly.  The two items of focus were Amendment 10A and the change in the Form of Government.

Your hospitality and participation was appreciated.

Two items arose that may well help sessions and congregations as they continue to move into the changes.  The first such item is a comparison of the former Form of Government and the current Form of Government.  The link below is a section by section comparison of the two.

The second item for attention is consideration of appropriate questions for Sessions and other groups.  The move into the current Form of Government is going to take some time and the issues are numerous.  Those issues, however, are not unduly complex or difficult.  Again the attached document is a map through the process of incorporation of the changes.

The first part of the handbook is focused on issues for Sessions and congregations.  Some of the rest of the handbook may be of interest, but does not specifically address congregations.

Please feel free to contact me for additional resources or any particular help in incorporation of these changes.


Thanks again,

Lawrence Jackman
Stated Clerk
Presbytery of Ohio Valley