The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

PC(USA) World Mission for June

Mission Connections Live!

Presbyterian World Mission co-workers available to speak at presbyteries this fall.

The host presbytery will be responsible for developing a full schedule, for providing room and board for the mission speaker, and for transporting the mission speaker from place to place within the presbytery.  Presbyterian World Mission will be responsible for the cost of transportation from presbytery to presbytery.

You can choose any of these sessions to host a speaker. The first and second sessions are longer and the third session is shorter.

First session: September 24 – September 29 (6 days)

(travel day: Friday, September 23)

Second session: October 1 – October 5 (5 days)

(travel day: Friday, September 30)

Third Session: October 7 – October 8 or 9 (3 days)

(travel day: Thursday, October 6, Sunday, October 9, late in the day, or Monday, October 10, early in the day)

We will try to schedule mission speakers to speak in clusters of neighboring presbyteries, so it may not be possible to respond to requests for a particular mission co-worker.  If you would like to coordinate with an adjacent presbytery, please feel free to submit a proposal for either a shared session or for two sessions back-to-back.  We will give preference to hosts that invite a speaker to talk at a presbytery meeting, to hosts that can promise a full schedule, and to hosts that promise to include churches that do not currently support a mission co-worker.

Mission co-worker speaker list:

  • Sara Armstrong and Rusty Edmondson, Peru
  • Marta Bennett, Kenya
  • Nancy Collins, East Africa
  • Brenda Harcourt, Kenya
  • Jane Holslag, Lithuania
  • Pix Mahler, Haiti
  • Nancy McGaughey, Sudan
  • Burkhard Paetzold, Germany
  • Doug and Liz Searles, Poland
  • Dan Turk, Madagascar
  • Mark Adams and Miriam Escobar, Mexican border

Two of our mission co-worker speakers will be accompanied by international church partners with the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program:

  • Dave Thomas, with Brenda Trinidad Espitia, Mexico
  • Karla Koll, with Juana Herlinda Yac Salanic, Guatemala

To sign up to host a mission speaker for your presbytery, or for more information, please contact Carol Somplatsky-Jarman, at 888-728-7228, ext. 5826, or Please give Carol your first choice of dates, as well as your first three choices of mission speakers, as well as special circumstances such as presbytery meetings, presbytery partnerships, or proposals for the joint hosting of a mission speaker.

Big Tent: Word Mission Matters!

Hopefully, you’ve heard by now that Big Tent will be in Indianapolis this summer.  Please register now and make your travel plans for the World Mission Matters partner conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, June 30-July 2, 2011.

World Mission Matters is one of nine partner conferences at Big Tent — a chance to connect with other Presbyterians from across the church, share ideas and dreams for spreading the love of Jesus Christ as we connect for service in his name.  World Mission Matters isn’t just another conference to attend — it’s the beginning of a movement!

On Saturday, July 2, at 10 a.m., my colleague and I will lead a workshop entitled, Talents and Treasure: Funding Mission Co-workers.” We will talk with you about trends and challenges in mission support, why generating support for mission co-workers is one of the top priorities of Presbyterian World Mission and the relationship between successful funding and sharing engaging stories as part of mission interpretation.

  • Download a World Mission Matters Conference flier
  • See the World Mission Matters partner conference schedule
  • Download a complete Big Tent schedule
  • Register for the Big Tent

We hope to see you there!

Wanted: Your Minutes for Mission!

Have you created a particularly creative or touching minute for mission about a PC(USA) World Mission co-worker?  We’d love to see it, and maybe to share it with other congregations that also share in the support of that co-worker.  A written script would be great, and a video would be even better!  If you’d like to share a minute for mission, please let me know.

E-Newsletter:  Mission Yearbook Tips

Want to be alerted about ways in which the Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study can enrich your ministry?  Find tips and suggestions on how you and your congregation can stay connected to mission with the Mission Yearbook. We’d love to add your name to our free subscription list to receive one e-newsletter a month.  You can sign up today at

New short video:  Roger Dermody reflects on a trip to Sudan

Share Roger’s informal reflections following a recent trip to visit our mission co-workers in Sudan by following this link:

Presbyterians Do Mission in Partnership

For a good reminder of how Presbyterian World Mission hold tightly to the idea of supporting and empowering the church that Jesus Christ calls into place in particular cultures around the world, please read and study the text of this document, available at

Thank you for reading our newsletter and helping us share the Good News of what God is doing among us, through us and with us.

Chris H. Roseland
Church Support Associate
Communications and Funds Development

3928 Laurel Oak Lane
Lexington, KY 40514
Phone:   (859) 224-8118
Mobile:  (502) 439-4930