The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

October News from PC(USA)

Mid Council Leaders Gathering concludes with hard conversation about per capita

The final plenary at the Mid Council Leaders Gathering in Baltimore focused on some frank conversation around per capita, the primary funding source for the Office of the General Assembly (OGA). Read more…

Co-Moderators announce plans for new conference for commissioned lay pastors/ruling elders

The Co-Moderators of the 223rd General Assembly (2018) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) believe it’s time to take a deep dive into training commissioned pastors. Ruling Elder Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri and the Rev. Cindy Kohlmann have announced a new training conference to be held next spring. Read more…

Princeton Seminary announces plan to repent for ties to slavery

PRINCETON, New Jersey — Last week the Princeton Theological Seminary Board of Trustees unanimously endorsed the implementation of a multi-year action plan to repent for its ties to slavery. Read more…

Mental Health Ministry survey needs Presbyterian participation

LOUISVILLE — The Presbyterian Mental Health Ministry is currently conducting a churchwide survey, seeking input from as many people as possible. Read more…