The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

North Central Region Motorcycle Ride

Presbytery of Ohio Valley
North Central Region Motorcycle Ride
Saturday, October 5, 2013

The ride begins at Brownstown Presbyterian, 417 N. Elm Street, with kickstands up at 10:00am. We will take a picture in front of each church we visit and will stop for lunch along the way. Join us at Brownstown for the full route, or join us anywhere along the route. Anyone in the Presbytery is welcome.

Stops Include: Seymour, Vernon, Scipio, Fairlawn, Brown County Fellowship, Bloomington United (POV Office), Bedford, and Mitchell.

For more information, contact Rev. Brad Napier at 358-4198 or 528-0977
Join us for Biker Koinonia (fellowship)!