The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

New Hymnal Workshop May 17th

Probably you’ve heard!! The Presbyterian Church USA is preparing a new Hymnbook, and it will be out very soon.  I’ve been named an Advocate for the hymnbook in our Presbytery, and want to alert you to an event coming up to promote it!

This Thursday, May 17 th, from 10:00 am-2:00 pm (Eastern),  the North Central Region will host a workshop to introduce the hymnbook at First Presbyterian Church, 221 E Sixth Street, in Bloomington.

Representatives from the Louisville offices will be present to share some of the songs in the new book and hear our questions and concerns.   Folks outside the region are invited.   Please notify the Church (812-332-1514) if you plan to attend.

There will be other events throughout the coming year to introduce the Hymnbook in your area.  Please stay tuned, and get ready to sing!
Tim Jessen, Hymnal advocate