The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

NC Youth Cluster Event 11/21/10

The following is an announcement for an upcoming event for youth of the North Central Cluster.  Please pass it on to the youth leadership in your churches.

Fairlawn Presbyterian Church will host a Youth Cluster Event at Fairlawn on Sunday, November 21. We are hoping many of the youth groups from our cluster can make it!

We will gather from 5 to 7 p.m. at Fairlawn (2611 Fairlawn Drive, Columbus, 47201).

Our kids are VERY excited to get back together with friends they have met through Cluster events and Pyoca and host to you all at Fairlawn. Our activities for the evening include:

  • Dinner together (please come hungry!)
  • Fire pit for smores (provided the fire ban is lifted… otherwise, we will improvise without breaking the law J)
  • Some fun and spiritual interactions

No need to dress up nor bring anything – besides kids – with you.

Please RSVP along with the number you expect to bring by Tuesday, November 16, so we plan for enough food and supplies.
If you would like specific directions, please feel free to email me and I will guide you from wherever you might be traveling.

Diane Doup
Fairlawn Presbyterian’s Youth Advisory Ministry Team elder and Youth Group Sponsor.
(812) 379-1630 or email Diane Doup