The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

NC Region May Gathering

Gathering of the North Central Region

Wednesday, May 22nd from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Columbus First Presbyterian Church
512 Seventh Street, Columbus, IN

The church is located on Seventh, just east of Washington, a major north-south street through downtown Columbus.  There is a large public parking lot across the street in front of the church.

Join us for fellowship, food, worship, and program!

To assist with a count for the meal, please RSVP to the church office at (812) 372-3783 by Monday, May 20th.

The cost of the meal will be about $6-8.

The program will include a report from the church’s “Green Team” concerning environmental steward-ship issues in the church and home.  Worship will be led by Rev. Mihee Kim-Kort.  Announcements about coming events in the North Central Region are always a welcome part of our gatherings.

See you on May 22nd!