The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Mission Yearbook of Prayer Transitions to Digital-Only Format

From the Presbyterian Mission Agency:

Dear Friends in Christ:

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study and for the prayerful financial support of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Beginning in 2016, the 120-year-old print publication will transform to a new digital-only resource. By offering this as a free resource through our website, we are able to broaden its reach, share inspiring content in a timelier manner, and demonstrate better stewardship.

We will honor the publication’s long history by using the online version of the Mission Yearbook to connect Presbyterians to the greater church, energizing them for mission.

Over the past decade, as readership of the printed Mission Yearbook declined, the cost per book increased dramatically, making is less accessible to many. For instance, in 2000, readers purchased 80,000 copies of the Mission Yearbook at $7.50 per copy. This year 8,000 copies were sold at $34.95 per book. With the print version operating at a loss, it was simply not sustainable in its current format.

With the vast majority of people now accessing information online, it is a natural and sensible decision to transition the book to an online-only resource. We are excited that this will make the Mission Yearbook available to everyone.

It’s worth noting that we are also creating a dynamic, new, user-friendly Presbyterian Mission Agency website that will make the Mission Yearbook even more accessible.

So the Mission Yearbook will live on, telling the stories of lives transformed through God’s eternal grace and extraordinary love.

The current online page for the Mission Yearbook is found here.