The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Give a Gift to the Future

The Theological Education Fund

One of the continuing strengths of the PC(USA) is competent leaders, well-educated in the Reformed Tradition. Your seminaries equip pastors, educators, missionaries and chaplains for the work of Christ’s church. They also offer continuing education programs for those seeking on-going renewal of spirit and competence for ministry. By sharing together in financial support of our theological schools, we affirm our church’s historic roots and assure leadership for our church in the years to come.

Here are four ways to involve your congregation in supporting the PC(USA) Theological Education Fund:

  • Share a Minute for Mission and receive a special offering on Seminary Support Sunday, Sept. 15,2013.  Resources are available at
  • As you plan for your 2014 budget, include the Theological Education Fund in your annual budgeted Mission or Christian Education giving.
  • Make a year-end gift.  Send your contribution with checks and accompanying paperwork clearly marked: Theological Education Fund, account #TE999999 through the regular channel used by your church when sending funds for General Assembly causes.
  • Pray for our twelve seminaries.  You can use this list, also found on the POV web site under “Prayer Partners”.

If you need more information feel free to email Linda Peters or call her at (812) 877-0185.