The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Faith in Our Music: Many Voices, Diverse Chords, Common Hopes

A music conference for clergy, church musicians, worship committees, and anyone interested in music in the church!  Featuring John Bell from the Iona Community in Scotland; Warren Cooper, who writes and performs sacred jazz music; and Amanda Powell, whose specialty is global music.

September 23-25, 2014 ~ Union Presbyterian Seminary Richmond Campus ~ $195 for the first two registrants from one church ($150 if registration is received by July 31); $125 for subsequent registrants from the same church. Includes dinner on Tuesday and Wednesday, lunch on Wednesday, and breakfast on Thursday.

Click here for more information and to register for Faith in Our Music:  Many Voices, Diverse Chords, Common Hopes.

Click here for a printable flyer to share with your congregation or denomination.