The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Faith and Climate Crisis Virtual Sunday School

You are invited to participate in a free 4-part virtual Sunday School program on the Climate Crisis. We hope this opportunity will engage hearts, minds and spirits in recognizing the urgency of the climate crisis, and will inspire individuals and congregations to take action to address this crisis. (Click to view and download a flyer)

The programs will be offered on four consecutive Sundays; April 11, 18, 25 and May 2 at 4 pm EDT, 3 pm Central, and will be 75 minutes long using the Zoom platform.

Resources, videos, slides and break-out discussions are all components of the programs. This is the third series of presentations to be given within the presbytery. You will find more information on the Presbyterian Climate Advocates website, where you can register for the Sunday School program.

Presbyterian Climate Advocates
Carol Dunn, elder and Earth Care team chair at FPC Scottsburg
Kristina Lindborg, CCL representative, Bloomington
Beth Snyder, elder and Green Team chair at FPC Jeffersonville
Trisha Tull, emerita professor of Bible, Louisville Seminary