POV News & Announcements
Some questions are dependent on applicant type.
Select Youth or Adult to see the complete form.
Please contact Registrar, Jerusha Van Camp, for more information at pyt@presbyteryov.org.
The total conference fee per attendee is: $199 + Housing: $300= Total: $499
The Youth Portion is: $166
Payment is made through the Presbyterian Foundation donation form for the Presbytery of Ohio Valley. Enter the amount to be paid ($166) in the Youth Triennium field and choose “One time” for Donation Frequency.
Click here to open a new tab with the payment portal, or use the QR code to the right.
Don’t forget to click the Submit Button (below) after you finish filling out the form!
Adult Advisors serve as chaperones with responsibilities that include but are not limited to: travel responsibilities as a travel group leader, housed near youth in hotels on the same floor as the Delegation; Leadership for Home Group (delegation) Meetings; supervising Youth over the course of the entire trip to and from Triennium.
Adult Advisors are required to participate fully in the event and pre-event gatherings just like the youth.
Expenses for selected Adult Advisors (limited number of male & female advisors needed to meet adult/youth ratios) are paid for by the Presbytery. Travel costs and Registration included.