The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Energizing Creation Care

From Hoosier Inter-Faith Power and Light:

Check out the entire H-IPL October Newsletter.

Join us for our H-IPL statewide celebration on Saturday, October 25!

2014 has been a great year for Hoosier Interfaith Power and Light.  We have new regional affiliates, new staff members, a huge advocacy victory in Indianapolis, and more congregations and more people of faith involved than ever before.  We are truly uniting Hoosiers to care for God’s creation.

And that is why we want to invite you to our statewide celebration happening on Saturday, October 25, at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis.  The celebration starts at 1:00 PM and ends at 5:00 PM. The afternoon will be packed full with interfaith worship, networking, creation care workshops, and fun.

You can RSVP here  (though you can register in person also).

Here are some of the celebration highlights:

  • Music From H-IPL board member Wyatt Watkins and some of  his Irish Airs bandmates
  • Creation Care Theology conversation led by biblical scholar, author, and H-IPL staffer Trisha Tull
  • Words from H-IPL Executive Director Larry Kleiman
  • Plenty of time and opportunity to network with others from across Indiana
  • Introductory workshops about advocacy, growing the creation care movement, and energy efficiency efforts

Planning ahead towards an impactful 2015 and beyond

We hope you can join us!