The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Disaster Relief Project – 2017

– From Diane Kirkpatrick, Project Coordinator, Mid Kentucky Presbytery

Mid Kentucky Presbytery is again organizing a PDA disaster relief kit project to assist our neighbors in need.  Our goal is to assemble 1,000 + hygiene kits.  We invite the churches in southern Indiana to join us.

Last year’s project was a smashing success with enthusiastic evaluations asking that we do this good work again.  In 2017 we have found new partners – Proctor and Gamble toothbrushes thanks to the KY Dental Association, hygiene supplies from Supplies Over Seas, and the support of the National Council of Negro Women.

We are working on a free or deeply discounted van to transport the completed kits to the PDA storage facility in Arkansas. We have a volunteer to drive the van.  Should the free rental not pan out, Mid Kentucky Presbytery will cover the transportation costs. Last year we were able to delay the van’s departure to receive Indiana and a local church’s donations. This year we have a limited window for van free rental, so we need to keep to the project time frame.

We have set the project schedule to avoid Lent, Easter, and “Thunder over Louisville.” The drop off days for hygiene supplies and completed kits are Sunday, April 23, from 12:15 to 2:00 PM and Monday, April 24, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Strathmoor Presbyterian Church, corner of Bardstown Road and Hawthorne Avenue (). The church’s phone is 502-451-5185.

The volunteer work day to assemble kits is Saturday, April 29, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Completed kits will be packed and loaded into the truck for departure on the trip to Arkansas.

We learned last year:

  • Churches can expand their effectiveness by inviting scout troops and other groups who use their buildings to donate supplies.
  • Some churches prefer to assemble hygiene kits at their own locations so more of their people can participate. This is an excellent option.
  • 500+ bars of scented soap emit a strong fragrance, and the Strathmoor preschool children and members were affected negatively by it. We ask for unscented soap in 2017.
  • Churches with preschools like teaching compassion and making a difference by collecting supplies for the hygiene kits.
  • The PCUSA web page has Presbyterian Disaster Assistance posters and information churches can download for education and inspiration.
  • Presbyterian Women do a fantastic job in promoting and working on this project.
  • Youth groups like to assemble kits and do a good job. Children too with their parents nearby.
  • The April 29 kit assembly day goes more smoothly if we know how many volunteers to expect. If your church is coming, let Strathmoor know.

At this point the most needed items are unscented bath size bars of soap in original wrappers, one gallon zip lock bags, and wash cloths. We appreciate any hygiene supply donations.

Click here to download the info sheet for the 2017 disaster relief project. Feel free to adapt it to your churches’ needs. We invite and encourage you to join us in the mission project.

Thank you.