The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

December Assembly Report

What Happened at Assembly
December 3, 2013

Hospitality of Mitchell Church—As is the December tradition, we met at Mitchel Church for an afternoon meeting.

Opening Worship and Proclamation of the Word—Outgoing Moderator Scott Hill preached in the opening worship.

Greetings from the Board of Pensions—POV has a new Representative from the Board of Pensions.  He is Rev. Edward Thompson.  Rev. Thompson spoke to the Assembly about changes and challenges before the Board.  He also assured the body of the very sound nature of the pensions.

Olivet Administrative Commission—Rev. Lant Davis reported on the progress of recent conversations between the parties.  The Attorneys from both sides are working toward an eventual solution of this issue.  The Assembly voted down a motion to direct the Commission to achieve a resolution with specific elements included.

Recognition of the Honorable Retirement of the Rev. Jill Hudson—Jill’s service to the life of the total church was acknowledged as the Presbytery conferred the status of Honorable Retirement.

Commissioning of Ruling Elders to Pastoral Service         

Elder Barbara Snyder was commissioned to service within several congregations where she serves as Moderator of session.

Elder Sharon Kutz-Mellem was commissioned to service in Laconia and Valley City congregations.

Elder Andy Traister was commissioned to service in Mount Tabor Church.

Elections—the Nominating Committee presented a slate for offices and committees for 2014 those persons were elected.

Installation of Incoming Moderator—Elder Judy Holy from Bloomington First Church was elected Moderator for 2014.