The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

CTS Lifelong Learning 2011

Columbia Theological Seminary
Center for Lifelong Learning
May 10, 2011

Looking for learning events for the summer, the fall of 2011 or beyond?  Click on one of these courses, or check out the full list of Lifelong Learning events for 2011-12. We hope you’ll find something that will feed your soul, stimulate your thinking, and encourage you in your life and ministry.

Summer Events of Note

June 27-30 Creative Dissonance: Korean Worship & Music Conference “Creative Dissonance” – for additional information, visit Conference activities offered in Korean and English.

July 18-21 Columbia Theological Seminary at the Montreat Conference Center Presents A Presbyterian History and Reformed Theology Summer Series: “Ties that Bind—The Presbyterian Church and Race.”

July 18-21 Knowing Our Neighbors: A Purposeful Interfaith Encounter (Summer Scholars 2011) –featuring Ben Campbell Johnson, David Fraccarro, field trips to a mosque and synagogue, and conversation partners from the Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist traditions.

August 1-3 (weekday) AND August 12-13 (weekend) Confessing the Beatitudes (Presbyterian Women Bible Study Training) – co-instructors Margaret Aymer and Rita Boyer  lead the weekday course, and Sharol Hayner leads the weekend course

Fall/Winter Events of Note!!!!

Oct. 31-Nov. 4 Living Into Sabbath– featuring the leadership of Wayne Muller, author of Sabbath and A Life of Being, Having and Doing Enough, this event features three tracks – creative sabbatical planning, a certificate in spiritual formation course, and this year’s Guthrie Scholars.

Jan. 24-26 (January seminars) –CHRISTIANITY AFTER RELIGION: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening Diana Butler Bass and other conversation partners explore how the Spirit might be leading God’s people to live into the future.  The event includes discussions organized around existing denominations/faith traditions, allowing time for participants to explore what a vision for their future might entail.

These courses are open to all interested participants, not only those seeking Youth Ministry or Spiritual Formation certification.


August 26-27 YMLI Soul Tending:  Finding Spirituality in Your Ministry


July 24-29 Growing in Discernment – Marjorie Thompson, leader.

August 7-12 Teaching Spiritual Formation in the Congregation – Jane Vennard, leader.

For additional information about these or other courses, please contact the Lifelong Learning Registrar at 404.687.4587 or  Visit us on the web at for the full course listing at

The Center for Lifelong Learning, Columbia Theological Seminary

P.O. Box 520/701 S. Columbia Drive,  Decatur, GA  30031