The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Come…and Find the Quiet Center


 An Intentional Start To A New Year..A chance to begin 2012 with three days dedicated to offering the new year to God…while deliberately seeking God’s guidance for what the new year might hold.

A Chance To Get Away From The “Usual”…in a fresh place, apart from common daily distractions…to revisit yourself as God created you.

An Opportunity To Be With Others Who Take Their Faith Seriously…in fellowship with other Christians, other Presbyterians, to talk about things of substance.

An Encounter With Spiritual Insights…as we will explore aspects of Christian reflection, prayer, and worship led by two leaders with years of training in this area.

An Occasion To Be On “Holy Ground”…during our time at St. Meinrad, persons will have the invitation to walk on ground that was specifically designed to encourage spiritual contemplation.

A Chance To Worship With The Monks Of St. Meinrad…to experience the awesome and ancient sound of the chanting of the Psalms by the men of the monastery…a sound that will linger for a long time.

A Freedom To “Let Go and Let God”…to do whatever the Holy Spirit wants to do with these hours in your life and in ours together.

If your imagination is stirred, come join us January 6-8 as we seek to find the quiet center which Christ offers us.

We invite you to be a part of the Spiritual Formation Retreat sponsored by Ohio Valley Presbytery.


Instructors: Rev. Dr. Martha FrizLanger, Rev. Gary Scroggins
Friday evening – Sunday
January 6-8, 2012

Download brochure/registration form here

Check in after supper beginning at 6:00 pm Central Time on Friday.  Retreat begins at 7:00 pm Friday and ends about 2:30 pm Sunday.
Registration cut-off December 31, 2011 or earlier if full.*

*If you will be taking this retreat as part of your training toward possibly becoming a Ruling Elder Commissioned to Limited Pastoral Service (CLP), the registration deadline is November 15th.

Archabbey Guest House
200 Hill Drive
St. Meinrad, IN 47577
Phone: (800) 581-6905 or (812) 357-6585

Brochures will be available for pick up at the official papers table at assembly.