The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Category: Youth

  • Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2019

    Purdue University July 16-20 A classic melody for a new generation’s voice! Get READY for the 2019 Presbyterian Youth Triennium – a gathering for high school age youth from the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (entering 9th grade through graduated 12th grade)! Find more about registration, event plans and travel information from…

  • Spring News from Pyoca

    Grief, Camp, & Remembrance Written by Acting Executive Director, Mike Davis. Last weekend, in the midst of a very busy retreat weekend at camp, volunteers young and old from near and far descended on the Pyoca grounds. They carried with them garden implements of every type, plants purchased and plucked from their own yards, and heavy…

  • Reconnecting with Millennials – A CFC workshop

    When — 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (Central Time) Wednesday, April 11, 2018 Where — Blue Grass United Methodist Church, Evansville While Americans remain deeply spiritual, they’re leaving congregational life behind. This is especially true of Millennials – about 1 in 10 regularly attend a congregational worship service. Surveys report that young people feel more…

  • 2017 Pyoca Summer Camp

    – The following is the text of the Pyoca Summer newsletter. Friends of Pyoca, We are in the midst of transitioning from an unforgettable, very successful summer camp season to a very busy and exciting fall retreat season. While there’s much to look forward to this fall as we have a full conference and retreat…

  • Building Bridges, Pyoca HS Conference

    This October 6-8, 2017, Pyoca Camp and Retreat Center in Brownstown, IN is hosting the third annual High School Conference, and we want you to join us!   Pyoca High School Conference is open to all high school youth grades 9 – 12 and their youth leaders/parents. Taking place October 6 – 8 this weekend…

  • CfC: Engaging Young Adults Initiative

    You’re invited to take a look at the Engaging Young Adults (EYA) learning community program and grant opportunity, presented by the Center for Congregations. Applications open on May 1, 2017 and are due on August 1, 2017. This program will help select Indiana congregations to engage young adults in their own community and context. This…

  • Lux Summer Theological Institute

    Two Weeks That Could Change A Young Person’s Life: Lux Summer Theological Institute You are invited to nominate theologically curious and socially engaged high school students (rising sophomores to graduated seniors) to apply for the inaugural Lux Summer Theological Institute for Youth. It will be held July 16-30 at Presbyterian-related Monmouth College. Funded by the Lilly Endowment, the Institute invites…