Category Archives: Workshop

3B Program Coming to Camp PYOCA in April

Would you like a new, innovative, fun way to “do” evangelism/nurture  in your congregation – while presenting an all inclusive program for senior citizens that focuses on body, brain and belief?  If so, have we got an idea for you!

The 3 B Program was created two years ago, initially for Presbyterians living in Indiana – with a grant from the Smock Senior Ministries Foundation.  Meeting for an hour, two or three days a week (in churches or community venues) this program gives attention to the body (with exercises – nearly all of which are done sitting down); to the brain (with riddles, jokes, fun education facts); and to our beliefs (with devotions, unique ways to combine scripture memorization with music and movement, and even sometimes recalling beloved old hymns of bygone days.)

The creators of this program – Rev. Sue Babovec and Angie Briner, M.Ed. – will be offering the third training for instructors on April 19, 20 and 21, 2013 at Camp Pyoca (near Brownstown).  The cost to you – NOTHING for the first two people your church sends for training.  (The cost is $98.50 for others above that number).  All meals, lodging AND complete material for 36 lessons (12 weeks of material) will be given to each participate – on DVD and jump drive.

Comments from churches and participants already using the 3 B Program include:

 “this is so much fun”

“a great way to give purpose to the day for older adults”

“we’re on our third session already – the weeks fly by and the interest isn’t slacking off”

“my doctor says my balance is better”

“the physical therapist couldn’t believe how quickly I bounced back after surgery – 3 B gets the credit”

“It is good to hear noise and laughter in the church during the week!”

“my family notices a difference in my flexibility and strength – plus they say I smile more often and am not as discouraged!”


For more details contact — Smock – 260 -426-7421, ext. #4

Registration closes April 5th

Four Doorways Workshop

The Church Transformation Team of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley is sponsoring a special one day worship workshop called Four Doorways.

Learn to unlock the gifts your congregation already has to revitalize worship.

The event takes place:
Saturday, April 13th
10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church Bloomington

Workshop leader and church musician, Adam Kukuk, will help us explore ways of engaging people in worship.

Adam’s greatest passion is nurturing participatory and creative Christian worship.

What is Four Doorways?

Four Doorways is a workshop exploring all-age worship resources. It incorporates inclusive, participatory, and ecumenical music from all over the planet.

Specifically tailored to the gifts & challenges of small to medium size churches, the workshop will help you do more – and connect more deeply – with what God has given you. I firmly believe – You already have everything you need to deepen your worship of God.

Pre-Registration will begin at Assembly on March 5th
Printed registration forms will be available at our March 5th Assembly meeting.

Cost $15 per participant and includes lunch. There is a group discount price of $10 per participant if you bring five or more from your church. Churches that register at least two unrelated people by Friday, April 5th, will receive a special musical gift at the workshop.

Find out More:

Register online here!

If you have specific questions, interests or concerns you would like to see addressed at the workshop, please e-mail Rev. Anne Marshall at

Additional Information:

  • Parking is available in the lot behind First Presbyterian Church in Bloomington. The adjacent bank parking lot is also available to the church for Saturday events. Some street parking will also be reserved. We encourage car-pooling!
  • Enter the church through the parking lot doors. A check-in table will be set up as you walk into the church. Coffee and snacks will be available at check-in.
  • Check-in begins at 9:30 a.m. and the workshop will start promptly at 10:00 a.m.
  • The workshop will conclude at 4:00 p.m.

Fall Offerings at Montreat


Road Scholar programs at Montreat, offered September 9-14 and September 30-October 5, include programs on

Reaching for the Stars: Earth, Sky, and Into Space; America’s Foreign Policy/America’s Global Competitiveness/Inspirations from Our Past; Travel Back In Time: The History Of Trains and Customs of the Southern Appalachians; US Policy in the Middle East/Human Rights in Our Time/This Land is Your Land; and The Biltmore Estate and Beyond: Discover the Wonders of Western North Carolina. Learn more.

Healthy Congregations Facilitator Training, September 24-26, will help participants lead a congregation toward a healthy and faithful life together. Learn more.

The Montreat Artists’ Series, September 30-October 5, will offer two courses: Pottery and Stained Glass. Both courses are open to any skill level. Learn more.



Are you ready to challenge the ordinary with something all-together extraordinary? Montreat’s Institute for Church Leadership, “Leading with Bold Imagination,” takes place October 15-18, and is designed for church professionals and “possibility thinkers” in the church. See what can happen when, with God’s help, we boldly and faithfully step forward.  Learn more.


Wee Kirk Conference, October 22-24, is specially geared to address the unique and wonderful nuances of the small membership congregation (thus the name “wee kirk”).This gathering is for those wishing to be “biblically faithful and missionally minded” leaders of small membership congregations. Pastors, lay leaders, CLP’s and spouses are encouraged to attend. Learn more.


Exploring Wisdom’s Wonder, offered October 25-28, is part of Columbia Theological Seminary’s Spiritual Formation Program. Come and explore the mysterious power and relevance of Wisdom’s Wonder found throughout Scripture. Learn more.



The third annual Presbyterian Multicultural Institute, November 5-9, offers courses to enable and inspire clergy and laity in cultivating God’s biblical vision to gather people of diverse identities into inclusive communities of faith. Offerings include Spanish Immersion, Cultural Proficiency, Biblical Foundations, and more. Learn more.


Road Scholar programs continue in November with a visit to the breathtaking Biltmore Estate. Offered November 25-30, The Biltmore Estate at Christmas: The Vanderbilts and Others Who Dreamed Big will give an insider’s look at the famous Vanderbilt family and their awe-inspiring home here in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Learn more.


Looking for other Montreat conferences and programs? The latest information is always available on the website.

POV Academy Class: Worship in the Reformed Tradition

The POV Academy Invites YOU to Explore

Worship in the Reformed Tradition

Led by the Rev. Dr. J. Frederick Holper
Emeritus Professor of Preaching and Worship
McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago

This course is for you if you’d like to…

  • Appreciate the creative tensions that underlie worship in the Reformed Tradition;
  • Be able to identify the “12 Tribes of Presbyterian Worship” and the gifts that each have shared with the tradition as a whole;
  • Learn how to develop your gifts for planning worship, making use of a wide range of resources including the order of worship, the liturgical year and lectionary, music and the arts;
  • Develop your capacity as a leader of worship with particular emphasis on the ministry of presence.

Those responsible for planning and/or conducting worship are especially encouraged to participate,
but all are welcome.

September 28-29, 2012 – Camp Pyoca
6 p.m. Friday – 5 p.m. Saturday

Registration closes July 25 or sooner if full.
Cost $100

Registration forms available on the POV website
or from Barbara Snyder
1820 Wheeler Road, Vincennes, IN 47591

Creating a Congregational Culture of Generosity

The Synod of Lincoln Trails’ Ministerial Excellence Fund is pleased to offer a workshop presented by Lake Institute of Faith and Giving’s director, Dr. Bill Enright, and ably assisted by Rev. Anna Parkinson, and Rev. Bob Hunter at Irvington Presbyterian Church.

The workshop is 9:00am – 4:00pm on April 20th and April 21st.

Location: Irvington Presbyterian Church, 55 Johnson Ave, Indianapolis

By now you may have heard about the workshop, Creating a Congregational Culture of Generosity, or even attended a version of the workshop in the past.  Because the information presented is based on the most current research compiled by The Center of Philanthropy at Indiana University, you will receive the most recent information available in the country.

This is a great workshop (since it is basically free and very practical) to bring you financial team, perhaps the church treasurer, and at least one session member.  Your only expense is $30 for the materials.

People who take this seminar will:

  • understand the landscape of religious giving based on the latest research;
  • appreciate the theological significance of generosity;
  • identify their own theological/religious tradition of generosity;
  • understand the relationship between organizational accountability and generosity;
  • process the idea that congregational finances are an arena for pastoral care;
  • analyze their current congregational culture;
  • design a working plan to implement cultural change to move towards greater generosity

Download the Application

Contact Ann Bingaman, MEF co-director, (phone: 765-883-8529) for more information.

The application deadline is April 13, 2012.

Discovery Weekend in Lafayette, IN


Central Presbyterian Church in Lafayette, Indiana, is pleased to welcome Marjorie J. Thompson for a weekend of spiritual exploration and discovery Friday, November 11, 2011 through Sunday, November 13, 2011.  Marjorie is nationally known for her experience and wisdom in developing the spiritual practices necessary to guide and sustain our lives through worship, prayer, Bible study, meditation, and other disciplines.  In addition to her workshops and seminars, Marjorie has authored numerous publications including her 1995 book Soul Feast, An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life.

Several opportunities exist to interact with Marjorie including “Nurturing Mary’s Heart in Martha’s Tasks”, a women’s ministry workshop from 2-4 p.m. on Friday, November 11.  From 10-11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Marjorie will focus on  “Spiritual Practices for Daily Living” in a community-wide workshop for men and women.  She will also preach at both services (9 and 11 a.m.) on Sunday, November 13.  For more information, please call the church office (765-742-8481) or check the church web site

TICKETS:  While all weekend events are free of charge, reservations are encouraged  for planning purposes.  Please enroll for the events of your choice by calling Laurie Kuhn at the Church office (765-742-8481) or email

Central Presbyterian Church
31 N. Seventh St.
Lafayette IN 47901