The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Category: Workshop

  • Leadership Programs

    Certificate in Executive Leadership Program Accepting Applications Apply Now and Receive a Tuition Discount! Applications for Cohorts VII of McCormick’s highly regarded Certificate in Executive Leadership program are now being accepted. The Certificate will be offered on the McCormick Campus during the 2013-2014 Academic Year. Since it’s beginning in 2009, pastors, lay leaders, lay staff members…

  • LPTS Offers Church Safety Workshop

    Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary presents “Church Safety and Pastoral Care in Violent Times” A Two-part Workshop Sunday, April 7 2:30—7:30 p.m. In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn., Louisville Seminary and the Mid-Kentucky Presbytery’s DePART (disaster education, preparedness and response team) have assembled a two-part workshop on gun violence in the church. Location: Louisville Seminary, 1044 Alta Vista Road…

  • 3B Program Coming to Camp PYOCA in April

    Would you like a new, innovative, fun way to “do” evangelism/nurture  in your congregation – while presenting an all inclusive program for senior citizens that focuses on body, brain and belief?  If so, have we got an idea for you! The 3 B Program was created two years ago, initially for Presbyterians living in Indiana…

  • Four Doorways Workshop

    The Church Transformation Team of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley is sponsoring a special one day worship workshop called Four Doorways. Learn to unlock the gifts your congregation already has to revitalize worship. The event takes place: Saturday, April 13th 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. First Presbyterian Church Bloomington Workshop leader and church musician, Adam Kukuk,…

  • Fall Offerings at Montreat

    September Road Scholar programs at Montreat, offered September 9-14 and September 30-October 5, include programs on Reaching for the Stars: Earth, Sky, and Into Space; America’s Foreign Policy/America’s Global Competitiveness/Inspirations from Our Past; Travel Back In Time: The History Of Trains and Customs of the Southern Appalachians; US Policy in the Middle East/Human Rights in Our Time/This Land…

  • POV Academy Class: Worship in the Reformed Tradition

    The POV Academy Invites YOU to Explore Worship in the Reformed Tradition Led by the Rev. Dr. J. Frederick Holper Emeritus Professor of Preaching and Worship McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago This course is for you if you’d like to… Appreciate the creative tensions that underlie worship in the Reformed Tradition; Be able to identify the…

  • Creating a Congregational Culture of Generosity

    The Synod of Lincoln Trails’ Ministerial Excellence Fund is pleased to offer a workshop presented by Lake Institute of Faith and Giving’s director, Dr. Bill Enright, and ably assisted by Rev. Anna Parkinson, and Rev. Bob Hunter at Irvington Presbyterian Church. The workshop is 9:00am – 4:00pm on April 20th and April 21st. Location: Irvington…