Category Archives: Workshop

Reaching and Unleashing Baby Boomers and Beyond

This event is a Center for Congregations Workshop.

Baby Boomers are approaching the later years of life in a radically different way than previous generations.  Discover why this generation is essential to the ministry of your church and community and learn how to engage and unleash them to make a significant impact.

Author, speaker and consultant Amy Hanson leads this workshop, comprised of four sessions.

The workshop is 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (Eastern time) Tuesday, October 13, 2015 in Brownstown and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (Central time) Wednesday, October 14, 2015 in Evansville. The cost is $30 per person (or $25 per person for congregational teams of three or more registered together). The fee includes lunch and a copy of Hanson’s bookBaby Boomers and Beyond. This workshop was presented earlier in 2015 in Chesterton (in Porter County) and in Indianapolis.

This workshop is limited to Indiana congregations.

For more information, and to register, visit the event page on the Center for Congregations website.

Invitation to a Curriculum Workshop

The First Presbyterian Church in Mt Vernon, IL located in Southeast Illinois Presbytery will be hosting a new PCUSA children’s curriculum (Grace and Gratitude), and would like to open this invitation to the congregations of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley.

When: Wednesday August 5th from 1-3pm

Where: First Presbyterian Church of Mt Vernon
2424 Broadway St. Mt Vernon IL

Please RSVP to Rev. Rachel Helgeson if you are interested in attending.

Looking for a new curriculum? Wanting something new that is grounded in the reformed theology then come check out the new Growing in Grace and Gratitude Curriuclum workshop on August 5th from 1-3pm at First Presbyterian Church in Mt Vernon, IL.

God’s grace and our response of gratitude are the foundation of the new PC(USA) denominational children’s curriculum coming fall 2015. This workshop will explore grace and gratitude as the theological hallmark of Presbyterian tradition and showcase the importance of nurturing children through an invitation to discipleship that inspires children to learn and practice hospitality, generosity, and love. God’s grace and our gratitude are the heartbeat of our faith, life, and worship—a promising theme for Presbyterian identity and the future of the PC(USA).

Union Presbyterian Seminary Spring Events

The Leadership Institute at Union Presbyterian Seminary offers workshops, seminars, and free public events for those interested in learning from nationally-known experts in a variety of topics that will enhance your personal faith life and your leadership in the church.

Check out these events coming up in the winter/spring of 2015 (all events are on the Richmond campus):

  • The Mid-Atlantic Korean-American Pastors Continuing Education features Dr. Chun-Hoi Heo speaking on the topic, “Theological Method for Korean Preachers and Scholars in the 21st”  This workshop, which takes place February 23-25, will help you discover a multi-cultural understanding of the historical Jesus, in an effort to raise spiritual leaders for the next generation.  This event is part of the Asian American Ministry Center.  Cost:  $100 for pastors, $150 for couples.
  • The Dawe Lecture on Thursday, February 26, features Dr. John Thatamanil, associate professor of theology and world religions at Union Theological Seminary in New York.  The lecture, which is FREE, is called “Caged Chickens or Free-Range Chickens?  Can Christian Theologians Fly the Coop to Learn from Other Religious Traditions?” An intriguing title and topic for those interested in the relationships between people of various world religions as we struggle to live together in peace.  Registration is not necessary for this event, which begins at 7:30 p.m.  For those who can’t attend in person, the Dawe Lecture will be streamed live on
  • The Carl Howie Center for Science, Art, and Theology event takes place on Monday, March 2.  Dr. Steffan Lösel, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at the Candler School of Theology in Atlanta, Georgia, will present his work on Mozart and Theology.   This event will take place in two parts, a free lunch followed by a seminar and conversation entitled, “May Such Great Effort Not Be in Vain:  Mozart on Divine Love, Judgment, and Retribution” from noon to 4:30 p.m. (the seminar begins at 1:30), followed by an evening lecture at 7:30 p.m. entitled, “Mozart: Catholic Enlightenment in a Musical Key.”  Both events are FREE, and will be streamed live on  Registration is required for the afternoon part of this event.
  • John Roberto, nationally known speaker, writer, and consultant, leads a workshop March 9-11 on “Vision and Practice of 21st Century Faith Formation.”  The workshop is designed to help develop a connected, networked model of lifelong faith formation.  Those interested in Christian education and formation in the church and in other settings will be inspired and energized by Dr. Roberto and this workshop.  Cost:  $195 ($150 if you register by February 6)
  • Board of Pensions Workshops:  Leaders from the PCUSA Board of Pensions will lead two workshops:  Post-Retirement Workshop on March 18, and Growing Into Tomorrow . . . Today, a workshop to help to plan for mid- to late-career plan members to prepare for retirement March 19-20.  These workshops are FREE (except for a $12 charge for lunches each day). Register for one or both!
  • “Staying Fresh in a Long Small Church Pastorate,” is geared for pastors of smaller congregations who are in, or envision being in, a long-term pastorate.  Chris Stewart, who served the same two churches in Ohio since 1978, will share his experience and will offer suggestions for creating healthy boundaries and for keeping your message and ministry relevant and interesting.  This workshop, March 24-26, is offered at a special low cost due to the generous grant from the Presbyterian Church (USA).  Cost:  $130 ($95 if you register by February 16)
  • Everyone called to be a leader in the church is a model for others, personally and corporately, in the area of financial discipleship.  “Called to be Stewards:  Embracing our Leadership Roles” uses the theological concepts of abundance, generosity, and hospitality to help leaders in living and sharing the message of responsible stewardship.  Meets April 13-16 with leaders Diana Barber, Associate Synod Executive for Leadership Development, and David Crittenden, PCUSA teaching elder and director of stewardship for the Presbyterian Mission Program.  Cost:  $250 ($195 if you register by March 2)
  • Reformed Theology:  For Christian educators seeking PC(USA) certification, for those working in the educational ministries of the church, and for those in any denomination wishing to learn more about reformed theology, this hybrid course begins with online and at-home work on March 23.  Students completing the at-home portion then come to campus April 21-23 for additional face-to-face work with Dr. James Brashler, professor emeritus of Bible at Union Presbyterian Seminary.  This course fulfills the requirements for educator certification in the PC(USA), but is open to all.  Cost:  $295.

Check out the website at for more information and to register for any of these events.

Center for Congregations December Workshop

Congregations and Community Engagement: Finding the Right Fit

Congregations can do amazing things when leaders and members put their minds to engaging with their communities. Whether urban, suburban or rural, communities are struggling with a number of urgent issues. Because the stakes are high, it is important for congregations to be strategic in making choices so that their efforts are thoughtful, sustainable and make a real difference to the neighbors they serve.

The workshop is 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (Eastern time) on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 in Indianapolis; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (Central time) Thursday, December 4, 2014 in Crown Point; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (Eastern time) on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 in Elkhart; and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (Central time) Thursday, April 16, 2015 in Evansville. The cost is $30 per person (or $25 per person for congregational teams of three or more registered together). The fee includes lunch and a copy of Skjegstad’s book 7 Creative Models for Community Ministry.

For more information, and to register for this event, click here.

Workshops limited to Indiana congregations.

Church Finance Workshops for October – Update

Transforming Church Finances – Enhancing Financial Health

  • Friday, October 17, 1 p.m.-7:30 p.m. – First Presbyterian Church, Seymour

To register at Seymour, click here.

  • Saturday, October 25, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. – Westminster Presbyterian, Washington

To register at Washington, click here.

If you serve the church as teaching/ruling elder, treasurer, clerk of session, business administrator, finance or stewardship committee member – we invite you to invest the time for this workshop.

There is no fee for attendance. Workshop materials, meals, snacks, and beverages will be provided. These events are sponsored by the Ministerial Excellence Fund.

Workshop presenters include Rev. Alan Griffin, Rev. Terri Thorn, and Elder Eric Herzog.

Why Should We Care?  Financial FAQ’s, Best Practices and Resources  Properly implemented and resourced, the church financial and administrative ministry can operate efficiently in the background – providing accurate information that is both timely and transparent – in support of our mission today and into the future.  In this interactive session we will share questions, experiences and practical solutions that seek to “demystify” this critical aspect of our work together.

Mission Focused Stewardship: 10 Ways to Increase Giving To Your Church
This workshop explores spiritual components of stewardship development and offers 10 immediately do-able and transformative steps.  The conversation will also include discussions of narrative budgets, year-round stewardship education, the roles of pastors and sessions in stewardship, the Biblical basis of healthy stewardship and the theology of abundance in a world focused on scarcity.

Church Guide to Tax-Advantaged Health Reimbursement Plans
There are a myriad of changes and new requirements to healthcare coverage and related qualified reimbursable expenses.  This workshop discusses the impact of 2015 changes in the (PCUSA) Board of Pensions plan and reviews tax-advantaged benefit plans that can allow both church employees and employers to save on the cost of healthcare.

Church Finance Workshops

Transforming Church Finances – Enhancing Financial Health

  • Saturday, October 11, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. – location to be announced

If you serve the church as teaching/ruling elder, treasurer, clerk of session, business administrator, finance or stewardship committee member – we invite you to invest the time for this workshop.

There is no fee for attendance. Workshop materials, meals, snacks, and beverages will be provided. These events are sponsored by the Ministerial Excellence Fund.

Workshop presenters include Rev. Alan Griffin, Rev. Terri Thorn, and Elder Eric Herzog.

Why Should We Care?  Financial FAQ’s, Best Practices and Resources
Properly implemented and resourced, the church financial and administrative ministry can operate efficiently in the background – providing accurate information that is both timely and transparent – in support of our mission today and into the future.  In this interactive session we will share questions, experiences and practical solutions that seek to “demystify” this critical aspect of our work together.

Mission Focused Stewardship: 10 Ways to Increase Giving To Your Church
This workshop explores spiritual components of stewardship development and offers 10 immediately do-able and transformative steps.  The conversation will also include discussions of narrative budgets, year-round stewardship education, the roles of pastors and sessions in stewardship, the Biblical basis of healthy stewardship and the theology of abundance in a world focused on scarcity.

Church Guide to Tax-Advantaged Health Reimbursement Plans
There are a myriad of changes and new requirements to healthcare coverage and related qualified reimbursable expenses.  This workshop discusses the impact of 2015 changes in the (PCUSA) Board of Pensions plan and reviews tax-advantaged benefit plans that can allow both church employees and employers to save on the cost of healthcare.

The Art of Transitional Ministry

November 3-7, 2014
Mercy Center – 2039 N Geyer Rd., St. Louis, MO 63131


We live in a time of great transition in our churches and culture. Transitional Ministry Education is intended for those presently engaged in or inquiring about the nature of transitional ministry. This includes Temporary Transitional Ministry positions; which may include interim ministry, designated ministry, other temporary ministry or Installed Transitional Ministry which includes all other parish ministry positions. Committee on Ministry members and presbytery staff persons with responsibility for congregations in this time of transition will also find the education helpful.

Basic Transitional Ministry Education consists of 60 contact hours plus a practicum. The contact hours are divided equally between two residency weeks: Week I (30 hours) and Week II (30 hours), separated by a practicum which combines reflection on, and experience in, some aspect of interim/transitional ministry.

MALT offers education for both Weeks I & II. Participants must complete both Residency Week I and all practicum assignments before taking part in Residency Week II. Those who complete the first week of basic education at another site must complete all MALT practicum assignments prior to attending Residency Week II.

We offer a full thirty (30) hours of education for each week. If you desire to receive a Statement of Completion for this event, you must actively participate in all sessions in their entirety (30 contact hours).

Early registration will ensure participants ample time to complete reading assignments prior to the start of each residency week.


Participants will be introduced to and invited to reflect on:

  • The dynamics of our context of ministry in transitional times.
  • Their own self as a leader and leadership for the congregation in transition.
  • The dynamics of the congregation in a time of transition and the work of the transitional leader
  • Working with the congregation as a system, processing change issues, and managing conflict.


Participants will:

  • Reflect on their leadership style.
  • Use analytic skills for reflecting on ministry situations.
  • Working with the congregation as a system, processing change issues, and managing conflict.


Participants will reflect on:

  • The dynamics of the transitional period utilizing integrated learning conversation from their own ministry context.
  • Living with and in the congregation as system and the Transitional Pastor as a self-differentiating leader.
  • Transition as possibility for congregational transformation, reframed purpose and growing ministry capacity.


The education begins with registration on Monday at 10:45a.m. and concludes at 11:00 a.m. on Friday. Commuters are welcome with the understanding that they will participate fully in ALL sessions.


  • Double Occupancy – $700
  • Single Occupancy – $800
  • Commuter – $400
  • Additional Night – $100

A $100 deposit is required for each registration. Full payment of fees is required at onsite registration.
Registration is limited. Participants will be accepted in the order in which complete registrations (including presbytery signature) are received. The Registration Deadline is October 10, 2014.

Fees Cover:

  • Faculty costs
  •  Meeting space
  •  All materials provided for the education
  •  4 nights lodging
  •  4 breakfasts, 4 lunches and 4 dinners

Commuter fees cover:

  • Faculty costs
  • Meeting space
  • Materials
  • 8 meals


  • Prior to registration deadline: 100% refund of fees.
  • Up to two weeks following registration deadline: 50% refund of fees.
  • After two weeks following registration deadline: No refund of fees.
LOCATION: Mercy Center, St. Louis,  Missouri



Synod of Lincoln Trails
Kristi Miller
Email Kristi