Category Archives: Synod

Synod Offerings in Continuing Education

Commissioned Ruling Elder Continuing Education offered by the Synod of Lincoln Trails

The Synod of Lincoln Trails is offering continued education to commissioned ruling elders. The Rev. Dr. Laura Reason, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Highland, Ind. will lead participants through the sacred seasons of the luturgical year. Dr. Reason is a eight-time teacher of preaching and worship leadership to Synod of Lincoln Trails ruling elders.

CRE ConEd Dates:

February 11, 2012 – Lent and Easter – Year B – Registration

May 18-19, 2012 – N-Fog Interpretation and Pentecost I – Year B

August 18, 2012 – Preaching and Worship, Pentecost II – Year B

Nov. 2-3, 2012 – “What I Want to Know Is…” and Preaching &

Worship, Advent/Christmas/Epiphany – Year C



“The Art of Transitional Ministry”

Interim Pastor Training

May 7-11, 2012

Mercy Center

St. Louis, MO

Registration deadline: April 9

Interim/Transitional Ministry Education is intended for those presently engaged in interim or transitional ministry and those inquiring about this ministry. Committee on Ministry members and presbytery staff persons with responsibility for contregations in transition will also find the education helpful.

Read the brochure or download the registration form (registration requires signature from your Executive Presbyter or Committee on Ministry moderator).

Great Rivers Endorses 2nd Candidate for Moderator

Presbyterian News Service
by Bethany Furkin

LOUISVILLE – The Rev. Susan Davis Krummel, executive/general presbyter and stated clerk of the Presbytery of Great Rivers, has been endorsed by that presbytery to stand for moderator of the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

She joins the Rev. Neal Presa of Elizabeth Presbytery as candidates for the denomination’s top elected office.

The assembly will be held June 30-July 7, 2012 in Pittsburgh.

“Since she became our General Presbyter, the Reverend Sue Davis Krummel has guided our Presbytery with a clear voice and a steady hand. She will do the same for the General Assembly when she is elected its next Moderator,” said Elder Gary Davis, moderator of the presbytery’s nominating committee, in a press release.

Before coming to the presbytery in 2003, Krummel served for 24 years in pastoral roles at congregations ranging from 30 to 1,300 members. She has served as a pastor, co-pastor, interim pastor, temporary supply pastor, associate pastor, interim associate pastor and co-associate pastor for youth.

Krummel has also served as moderator and stated clerk for the Presbytery of East Iowa and as moderator of the General Assembly Nominating Committee. She has taught polity at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary and for the Commissioned Ruling Elder training for the Synod of Lincoln Trails. Krummel has also served as the moderator of a General Assembly commissioner committee and as a committee assistant.

A graduate of the University of Illinois with a bachelor’s degree in Speech/Communications and of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Krummel has also taken courses at the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center. She holds a certificate in executive leadership from McCormick Theological Seminary.

Krummel and her husband have two daughters and four grandchildren. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening and ballroom dancing.

Read the story online

Gil Rendle Speaks October 28 in Urbana

Author Discusses Book in Public Workshop

Popular consultant and author Gil Rendle will present a study of his book Journey in the Wilderness: New Life for Mainline Churches on Friday, Oct. 28, in Urbana, Ill. The event is open to the public. Mark your calendar now and plan to attend. Registration information will be available this summer. Cost for the Friday workshop will be $25, which includes the cost of lunch.

Journey in the Wilderness is part textbook on church leadership, part field guide for identifying organizational behaviors we have all seen but could never name, and part instruction manual on how to leave behind systems that are no longer conducive to our mission. (Introduction)

Rendle’s workshop is part of a year-long study of his book by synod commissioners. He also will speak to commissioners during the October 29 synod meeting.

Copies of Rendle’s book, Journey in the Wilderness, will be available for sale. This event is sponsored by the synod in partnership with the presbyteries of Blackhawk, Chicago, Great Rivers and Wabash Valley.

Download a flyer and registration form


Presbyterian Women Synod Gathering in June

Presbyterian WomenPresbyterian Women Holds Synod-Wide Gathering

June 10-12, Rochester, Ind.

Presbyterian Women from the Synod of Lincoln Trails will gather at Geneva Conference Center in Rochester for three days of workshops, worship and friendship. Marta Rodriquez, national Presbyterian Women moderator, and Robin Chaddock, author and seminar leader, are among the speakers. Registration deadline is May 15.

Download a brochure and registration form


Synod Scholarships to Big Tent

Synod Offers Scholarships to PC(USA) Event

Thousands Expected June 30 – July 2 in Indianapolis

Lincoln Trails will award a number of $100 scholarships to help defray the cost of attending PC(USA)’s Big Tent event. There are nine different partner conferences involved in the Big Tent. Choose just one or design your own Big Tent experience by registering for workshops that interest you.

Event leaders recently confirmed that the event will be held in Indianapolis, after Indiana legislators passed an immigration law that did not contain elements that would have necessitated a change of venue. More about this decision

To apply for a scholarship, contact the synod office, 800-566-5996 or 317-923-3681.

More about Big Tent


Christina Berry Installed as Synod Moderator 2011

This article was part of the weekly Synod Leadership Update newsletter.

The first regular meeting of the synod for 2011 was held Jan. 28 in Urbana, Ill. During the meeting, moderator Eddie Knox installed Christina Berry, minister commissioner from Blackhawk Presbytery as moderator for 2011 and Doug Tracy as stated clerk.

You will find the unofficial summary of the synod meeting and other meeting papers at
The official minutes will also appear there when they are available.

CLP Continuing Ed. Registration Deadline

Sacred Seasons Logo

The deadline to register for the first CLP continuing education class is fast approaching. The class for Lent & Easter will be held on Feb. 12, 2011. Deadline to register is Feb. 4.

Lincoln Trails will offer four Saturday classes in 2011 as part of its continuing education classes for lay pastors who have been through CLP training. The Rev. Dr. Laura Reason, pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Highland, Ind., will be the instructor.

Classes will be held at Philo (Ill.) Presbyterian Church. More…