Category: PYOCA
Christian Education Opportunity
Attention, all members of our POV churches! Would you like to… Map your educational ministry perspectives and contexts for dynamic faith formation today, Discover the basics and best practices for teaching the Bible with congregations and faith communities, Explore education as the integration of discipleship, worship, and evangelism for social transformation, Locate and evaluate resources…
How Can YOU Share in the Ministry of Care?
ALL members of POV churches, especially Deacons but also others, are invited to learn more about assisting with caring for those in your congregation. The POV Academy’s January 17-18 class, “Sharing the Ministry of Care,” will help you: Gain comfort and competence with home, hospital/nursing home visits Practice ministry of Presence listening skills Reflect on…
The Event 2013 Is Coming!
Saturday August 17th 3:00-8:00pm At Camp Pyoca in Brownstown, IN Middle School and High School Youth (and their leaders, friends and parents) are invited to a fun filled afternoon. Enjoy a giant slip-n-slide, other inflatables and more in the afternoon and then get ready for a live concert by THE GREAT ROMANCE . Cost is…
Fellowship Before the Assembly!
Friday POV Overnight at Camp PYOCA September 14-15, 2012 Come one, come all! Have you ever left a Presbytery meeting sorry that you didn’t have time for conversation or prayer with someone? Wendy Olson and Linda Peters have also felt that way. They also wondered if you’ve never been to a Presbytery meeting because you…
The Event Returns on August 18th
The Event 2012 will be held on: Saturday August 18th beginning at 3pm at Camp Pyoca in Brownstown, Indiana. This is a unique youth event for southern Indiana. Sponsored by the Presbytery and Camp Pyoca this is a great opportunity to kick start your ministry year with great fellowship, phenomenal music and more. Major Highlights The…
North Central Cluster Gathering 8/2011
in PYOCAWednesday, August 31st 6:00-8:00 PM at Camp Pyoca, Brownstown (812) 358-3413 Join us at beautiful Camp Pyoca for fellowship, food, worship, and program. The program will include: introduction of new pastors, a discussion of current happenings in the Synod of Lincoln Trails by Synod Stated Clerk Doug Tracy, and an open Speak-out session for any announcements. The cost…
Pyoca Work Day & Camp News
May 28, 2011 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Come spend the day with us as we make the final push for summer camp to start! We will have projects for EVERYONE! Meet the summer staff, have fun, and know you are making a difference at OUR ministry! Please R.S.V.P. to Rich Swartwood by May 20th so we can be prepared for the day!…