Category Archives: Presbytery

Assembly Report – March 29th 2014

What Happened At Assembly

Bloomington United, March 29, 2014

Carol McDonald led our worship by preaching in the morning and celebrating the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper in the close of the day.  Carol is our retiring Synod Executive.  As a part of her retirement process she has been visiting each presbytery in the Synod.  One of her life long forms of ministry has been a commitment to Camp and Conference ministry.  POV presented her with a scholarship in her honor for a camper at Pyoca for the next five years.

Hospitality from United Presbyterian was wonderful as always.  The new interim pastor, Mitch Coggin welcomed us to United.

Olivet Administrative Commission reported a proposed settlement of the law suit that has gone on for several years.  The settlement was approved, but later in the meeting needed to be opened again as business.  A final negotiation of  a precise dollar number was assigned to a commission named in the meeting.  This matter should be complete and settled by the next Assembly.

PYOCA the new acting director of Pyoca reported.  He is Mike Davis.  Mike reported on current and projected activity at the camp.  He was welcomed, for his first meeting at POV.

Administrative Commission at Charlestown was appointed by Council and reported to the Assembly.  This is the second AC in the last two years.  The provision of the appointment centered on conflict in the congregation and the inability of the session to manage the situation.  This administrative commission will for a period simply act as and for the session of the church.

Reports from Committees and Officers of the presbytery.  The normal reports and information of commission and committees were offered.  As usual, the Treasurer report included per capita and mission giving.

Larry Jackman, Stated Clerk

Travel to Bethlehem

October 21-30, 2014 – Early Bird Special

Sign up by April 1, 2014, and $350.00 will be subtracted from the price of your trip!

Explore Bethlehem, Jerusalem, The Mt of Olives. Walk the Via Dolorosa, visit the garden tomb, take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, see the Jordan River.  October 21-30, 2014. Brad Napier, Pastor in the Presbytery of Ohio Valley is hosting this trip.  Unpack once, stay at the guesthouse of the International Center of Bethlehem, in the heart of the town. Complete details at or from Brad Napier or Jo Lucas.

The trip cost includes airfare, housing, meals, luggage handling, transfers, guides and is $3499.00. The trip offers time to explore the work at Dar al-Kalima School and University, worship at Christmas Lutheran Church and fellowship with the members there.

Walk the streets where Jesus was born and where Christians work and walk today.

Sign up by April 1 and $350.00 will be subtracted from the price of your trip
Space limited.   Early Bird Special

Sign up on line at Group Travel Directors, Group G#141006 or call/email Brad Napier, 812-528-0977 or call Kate Peer at 800-747-2255 (ext 134)

Church Tax Credit Information and Resources

Resources Available To Help Employers Claim Tax Credit for Tax Year 2013

For the fourth and final year since the Small Employer Healthcare Tax Credit was offered in its current form to small tax-exempt employers —  including churches with fewer than 25 full-time equivalent employees —  the Board of Pensions is once again providing resources on to help PC(USA) churches and other employing organizations claim this credit.

The tax credit is refundable. Even if you have no taxable income, you may be eligible to receive the credit as a refund as long as it does not exceed your income tax withholding and Medicare tax liability. Some churches have reported saving thousands of dollars in taxes, which means more money for mission, maintenance, and other needs.

Have questions? Read more on, call the Board of Pensions at 800-773-7752 (800-PRESPLAN) to speak with a member service representative, or contact your Regional Representative. Remember, we’re here to help.

The Board of Pensions does not provide individual tax advice to individuals or employers. The information in this section is provided as part of the Board’s educational efforts. For updated forms, guidance, and instructions, individuals and employers should go to the IRS website at or consult with their individual tax or financial advisers.

Celebration of Service

You’re invited to a Celebration of Service
Please join the Pyoca Advisory Council for an open house honoring Rich Swartwood and his family for their 20 years of camp ministry.

March 1, 2014
From 2pm to 5pm
4:30pm – Closing Blessing

Pyoca Camp, Conference and Retreat Center Lodge
886 East County Rd 100 S
Brownstown, IN 47220

In honor of Rich’s twenty years of service, the Advisory Council will be collecting donations for the general scholarship fund. If you are unable to attend, cards are being collected by Mandy Ernest. Please send these to the address above. Checks can be made payable to Pyoca Camp, Conference and Retreat Center. Please add “Scholarship Fund” to the memo line.

There will be a memory book at the open house.  We encourage you to bring a memory message or photo to add to the book.  Again if you are unable to attend this event, but would like to add a memory or photo, you may email these to Mandy Ernest.

PYOCA Transition Information

As news of Rich Swartwood’s (Executive Director) call to serve Clearwater Forest Camp and Retreat Center was announced on Saturday, the Pyoca Advisory Council has been diligently working on establishing and executing a transition plan for his departure on March 7, 2014. Please find a few frequently asked questions below related to the transition and upcoming events.

(1)    Is Pyoca operating “as normal” during this transition time?

YES! All programming (retreats, work groups, camps, and other activities) will continue as scheduled. For more information on scheduling a retreat or registering for camp, please visit the Pyoca website ( or contact Mike Davis.

(2)    Pyoca’s Summer Camp Ministry – Are all programs still planned?

Camp will go on! Summer programming will not change; all camps have been scheduled and registration is now open (visit Volunteer directors have been identified, summer staff applications have been received, and the Advisory Council is anticipating summer staff hiring recommendations within the next few weeks.

(3)    Where is Rich going? Who will assume his responsibilities?

Rich’s leadership of Pyoca will end on March 7, 2014. Rich was not looking to leave Pyoca. Instead, God called him to his next ministry as Executive Director at Clearwater Forest Camp and Retreat Center. This is Rich’s childhood camp, and the Swartwood family is excited to begin a new chapter in their ministry.

Effective March 7, 2014, Mike Davis has been named Interim Head of Staff. Mike is currently the Interim Assistant Camp Director; he has been in different leadership capacities during the past four summers at camp and has greeted many retreat groups during the retreat season. The Advisory Council is thankful for Mike’s dedication, commitment, and future leadership of Pyoca’s staff.

(4)    If I have questions, whom do I call?

For any camp, retreat, or programming questions, please contact: Mike Davis (812-358-3413). Mike will hold office hours on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and all-day Friday. You may leave a message or email him at anytime. If you have an immediate need, you may contact: Frank Mansell (317-291-0308), Advisory Council Chair or Allen Colwell (812-945-3531), Executive Committee Chair.

(5)    How can I celebrate Rich’s ministry?

The Advisory Council is hosting an open house to celebrate Rich’s ministry on March 1, 2014 from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. at Pyoca Lodge. All are invited to attend. In honor of Rich’s twenty years of service, we will be collecting donations for the general scholarship fund. If you are unable to attend, cards are being collected by Mandy Ernest. Please send these to 886 East County Rd 100 S Brownstown, IN 47220, and address to Mandy Ernest. Checks can be made payable to Pyoca Camp, Conference and Retreat Center. Please add “Scholarship Fund” to the subject line.

The Advisory Council’s initial focus has been establishing a short-term transition plan (March through August), continuing all programming as normal, and establishing a framework for a long-term plan. This long-term plan will include creating a job description, establishing an Executive Director search committee, and continuing to execute on Pyoca’s mission.

With a full and grateful heart,

Pyoca Advisory Council

Celebrating Rich Swartwood’s Ministry at Pyoca

The last 20 years have been full of God’s grace at Pyoca Camp, Conference and Retreat Center. We have witnessed incredible changes to the camp and its ministries: new and improved facilities, expanded programming for all ages, and innumerable stories of lives transformed by the Holy Spirit through outdoor ministries.

None of this would have been possible without the energy, vision, and leadership of Rich Swartwood. Rich’s passion for outdoor ministry is evident in the quality of staff who work alongside him, an irrepressible desire to always look to what is next, and his deep belief that children and adults discover the triune God in nature and through the church’s ministry in places like Pyoca. Rich and his family have been a blessing to the Presbyteries of Ohio Valley and Whitewater Valley, and the Body of Christ has truly been strengthened in his faithful service as executive director at Pyoca these two decades.

But, as we know from Ecclesiastes, there is season for everything, and a time for every matter under heaven. For Pyoca and for Rich, a new season is about to begin. Rich has been called to serve as the Executive Director of Clearwater Forest Camp and Retreat Center in Deerwood, Minnesota. Rich’s last day at Pyoca will be March 7, 2014, and he will begin his work at Clearwater Forest the following week. The Pyoca Advisory Council met with Rich today, and has begun the process of planning for this transition. While we are saddened to have to say goodbye to someone we have grown to love and respect, we also know that we are in a healthy and strong position as we look to a future guided by God’s abiding presence.

There will be several opportunities over the coming weeks for you to celebrate Rich and his family’s ministry with Pyoca including an Open House on March 1st at Pyoca. We hope you can share with Rich and Caroline our gratitude to God for all they has done in our collective lives. We will keep you informed of not only plans related to this time of transition in leadership, but also the excellent spring and summer programs which will take place this year at Pyoca. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact any of us, as we are grateful for your ongoing support and prayers.

With a full and grateful heart,

Frank Mansell (317-291-0308)
Allen Colwell (812-945-3531)
Carol Foulke (317-908-6993)

Celebration of Rich’s Ministry

The Pyoca Advisory Council invites you to come and celebrate with Rich and his family at an Open House on Saturday, March 1 from 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. at Pyoca.

A Facebook event has been established for RSVP’s.

NC Region Gathering for February 2014

 Gathering of the North Central Region

  • Wednesday, February 26th
  • 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Spencer Presbyterian Church (154 N. Main St., Spencer)

The church is located a short distance north of Hwy 46, on Main St., in the middle of downtown.

Join us for fellowship, food, worship, and program

To assist with a count for the meal, please RSVP to the church office at by Friday, February 21st.

The program will be a presentation by The Rev. Mihee Kim-Kort about the UKirk Campus Ministry at Indiana University, a joint ministry of First Presbyterian Church and United Presbyterian Church in Bloomington.

Worship will be led by The Rev. Wes Kendall, pastor of the Greencastle Presbyterian Church.  There will also be a “speak-out” session for announcements.

See you on February 26th!