The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Category: Presbytery

  • POV Assembly – June 2, 2015

    The next Assembly will take place at 10:00am (ET) on Tuesday, 6/2/2015 at the Indiana Presbyterian Church in Vincennes, IN. Registration will begin at 9:00am (ET). The packet, driving directions, and the minutes from the March meeting will be available for download from the assembly web page after 4:00pm on May 21st. Online registration for the Assembly is available now. Please let us know if you…

  • What Happened at Assembly 3/7/2015

    Mitchell Church Hosted our meeting.  We appreciate the hospitality of the Mitchell Church, especially in times when the weather may turn sour.  Mitchell is the most geographically central church to all of our churches.  The facility is wonderful and the members do their best to help us know we are welcomed. Worship is a part…

  • What Happened At Assembly 12/2/14

    December 2, 2014 A Short Day at Mitchell—As is our norm, we met at Mitchell for our year-end meeting.  The half day meeting began at 1:00. Worship—Our opening worship was led by our retiring moderator Elder Judy Holy and Susan McGhee.  Communion was celebrated to mark the close of the meeting. New Leaders—The assembly greeted…

  • New POV By-Laws & Design Documents Available

    The updated Presbytery of Ohio Valley By-Laws and Presbytery Design & Committee Structure documents, approved at the September 13th, 2014 Assembly, are now available for viewing and download. POV By-Laws | Design & Committee Structure

  • What Happened at POV Assembly 9/13/14

    September 13, 2014 Gradye Parsons, the Stated Clerk of General Assembly, was our guest at the Assembly and the preacher for the opening of the meeting. Gradye spoke in his warm and winsome manner focusing on the ways in which we can truly know and be known to each other. It was a great sermon.…

  • Opportunity to Meet Fellow Presbyterians in Southern Indiana

    The Mount Lebanon Church of Henryville, IN would like to invite all Presbytery of Ohio Valley members to a Presbytery Heritage and Field Day at the Englishton Park Retreat Center on August 10, 2014. The event will take place from Noon-2:00pm, eastern time. 12:00pm – Pitch-in Lunch and Fellowship 1:00pm – Introduction of congregations, presentation…

  • Proposed Design for the Presbytery of Ohio Valley

    The Design Team thanks everyone for the comments, questions and suggestions raised at the June 10 Presbytery Assembly. As we reported that day, we will present a revised proposal and engage in conversation in two locations: July 19: First Presbyterian, Seymour (1:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Eastern Time) July 21: Indiana Presbyterian, Vincennes (1:00 pm…