The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Category: Presbytery

  • What Happened at the November 11th Called Meeting

    Presbytery of Ohio Valley Called Meeting Fairlawn Presbyterian Church Columbus, Indiana November 11, 2015  The Assembly was Called to Order and worship at (10:30 a.m.) by Moderator  Rev. Eric Erickson. The scripture lesson read was Mark 6:1-13. Was the basis for the sermon offered was to “Keep On Keeping On”.  Deacon Kimber-lee Docke Adams preached. Introductions,…

  • Called Assembly on November 11, 2015

    The Presbytery Council has called a special Assembly of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley for Wednesday, November 11, 2015, at 10:30 am (9:30 am Central Time), to examine Kimber-lee Docke Adams for ordination to the ministry of Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The Congregation of First Presbyterian Church, Bloomington, has called Kim to…

  • Invitation from the Synod of Lincoln Trails

    Dear Friends, For many years now the Synod of Lincoln Trails has gathered for an overnight fall assembly meeting to discuss together a book chosen by the assembly leadership team. This book tends to be a springboard into the planning for the upcoming year and helps the assembly shape and form together the partnerships the…

  • What Happened at Assembly on September 12, 2015

    The Presbytery assembled at the Bedford Church as we gathered our opening worship was led by Susan McGhee as our preacher for the day. Rev. J.H. Vanlal Hruaia was introduced to the Assembly.  He is the pastor the new Princeton Presbyterian Parish.  The parish was formed by the Princeton First and Princeton United congregations. Rev.…

  • Mission Yearbook of Prayer Transitions to Digital-Only Format

    From the Presbyterian Mission Agency: Dear Friends in Christ: Thank you for your ongoing support of the Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study and for the prayerful financial support of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Beginning in 2016, the 120-year-old print publication will transform to a new digital-only resource. By offering this as a free…

  • Campus Ministries within the Synod of Lincoln Trails

    As young people leave home and head off to college for the first time in the fall there will be all kinds of organizations, activities, and opportunities competing for their attention.  They will be seeking out the activities and events where they can meet people and make new friends.  We would like to make sure…

  • Highlighting our Earth Care Congregations

    I recently received the following email from Rebecca Barnes, Associate for Environmental Ministries with the Presbyterian Mission Agency, celebrating the re-certification of First Presbyterian Church, Jeffersonville, as an Earth Care Congregation. Unity Presbyterian Church, Terre Haute, is also certified as an earth care Congregation. If your congregation would like to consider joining this effort, please read below for more…