Category Archives: Presbytery

Mission Yearbook of Prayer Transitions to Digital-Only Format

From the Presbyterian Mission Agency:

Dear Friends in Christ:

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study and for the prayerful financial support of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Beginning in 2016, the 120-year-old print publication will transform to a new digital-only resource. By offering this as a free resource through our website, we are able to broaden its reach, share inspiring content in a timelier manner, and demonstrate better stewardship.

We will honor the publication’s long history by using the online version of the Mission Yearbook to connect Presbyterians to the greater church, energizing them for mission.

Over the past decade, as readership of the printed Mission Yearbook declined, the cost per book increased dramatically, making is less accessible to many. For instance, in 2000, readers purchased 80,000 copies of the Mission Yearbook at $7.50 per copy. This year 8,000 copies were sold at $34.95 per book. With the print version operating at a loss, it was simply not sustainable in its current format.

With the vast majority of people now accessing information online, it is a natural and sensible decision to transition the book to an online-only resource. We are excited that this will make the Mission Yearbook available to everyone.

It’s worth noting that we are also creating a dynamic, new, user-friendly Presbyterian Mission Agency website that will make the Mission Yearbook even more accessible.

So the Mission Yearbook will live on, telling the stories of lives transformed through God’s eternal grace and extraordinary love.

The current online page for the Mission Yearbook is found here.

Campus Ministries within the Synod of Lincoln Trails

As young people leave home and head off to college for the first time in the fall there will be all kinds of organizations, activities, and opportunities competing for their attention.  They will be seeking out the activities and events where they can meet people and make new friends.  We would like to make sure that the Presbyterian Campus ministries around Indiana and Illinois are able to reach out to the rising first-year students from your congregation and help connect them to other young people from churches like yours and to find fellowship, worship, education, and service opportunities in their new home.

Below you will find contact information for all the ministries in the Synod of Lincoln trails that are registered with the PC(USA)  “U-Kirk” network. If you would share with us the names and contact information for your rising first-years we would love to have the opportunity to reach out to them and make them feel “spiritually” welcome in their new surroundings.

Download contact information.

Thank you in advance for your help and every blessing on your ministry!

In Christ’s name,

Dwight Podgurski
Butler University

Rev. Mihee Kim-Kort
Indiana University

Dr. Ben Gates
Fort Wayne and Indiana Institute of Technology

Jessica Hawkinson
Lake Forest College

Autumn James
Northern Illinois University and Kishwaukee College: 

Rev Julie Windsor Mitchell
Northwestern University

Allen Bol or Rev Dave Comstock
Purdue University
Dave: 317-506-8184;

Highlighting our Earth Care Congregations

I recently received the following email from Rebecca Barnes, Associate for Environmental Ministries with the Presbyterian Mission Agency, celebrating the re-certification of First Presbyterian Church, Jeffersonville, as an Earth Care Congregation. Unity Presbyterian Church, Terre Haute, is also certified as an earth care Congregation. If your congregation would like to consider joining this effort, please read below for more information. Thanks to the good people of First Prez and Unity for their commitment to our good earth!

Susan Mcghee
Executive Presbyter, Presbytery of Ohio Valley

Dear Susan:

I am writing to inform you, and to celebrate with you, that First Presbyterian Church of Jeffersonville was recertified as an Earth Care Congregation by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Environmental Ministries through February 2016.  This honor speaks to the great commitment that this congregation has to caring for God’s earth.

To become an Earth Care Congregation, this church originally affirmed the Earth Care Pledge to integrate environmental practices and thinking into all facets of their church life. It also completed projects and activities in the fields of worship, education, facilities, and outreach. It continues to grow and deepen its ministry.

The Earth Care Congregation certification is designed to recognize churches that have made the commitment to take seriously God’s charge to “till and keep” the garden.

The Earth Care Congregations program was started in 2010 by PC(USA) Environmental Ministries.  The goal of the program is to inspire churches to care for God’s earth in a holistic way, through integrating earth care into all of church life.  The Earth Care Congregation certification honors churches that made that commitment, and encourages others to follow their lead.

For more information on the Earth Care Congregations program go to

Please join me in celebrating the wonderful ministry of this good congregation!

Peace and blessings,

Rebecca Barnes
Associate for Environmental Ministries

POV Assembly – June 2, 2015

The next Assembly will take place at 10:00am (ET) on Tuesday, 6/2/2015 at the Indiana Presbyterian Church in Vincennes, IN.

Registration will begin at 9:00am (ET).

The packet, driving directions, and the minutes from the March meeting will be available for download from the assembly web page after 4:00pm on May 21st.

Online registration for the Assembly is available now. Please let us know if you will be in attendance!

What Happened at Assembly 3/7/2015

Mitchell Church Hosted our meeting.  We appreciate the hospitality of the Mitchell Church, especially in times when the weather may turn sour.  Mitchell is the most geographically central church to all of our churches.  The facility is wonderful and the members do their best to help us know we are welcomed.

Worship is a part of every Assembly in all aspects of our meetings.  It always includes business, preaching and the celebration of Communion.  Anne Marshall preached for this meeting.   Anne and Mitch Coggin celebrated the sacrament together.

We Voted on Amendments to the Constitution of the denomination.  The Assembly voted “yes” to all the proposed changes except a change in the Confessions.  That last item will be voted in June.   The breakdown of our vote and a comment are below: —

14-Athis would prevent work in the church by those who have renounced jurisdiction of the church during a judicial process.4729
14-B 1&2these amendments clarify the intent of the preparation for ministry 1&2 process.742
14-Cthis would require all sessions, presbyteries and synods to have child protection policies in place.742
14-Dthis would establish a flexible minimum size for a presbytery.724
14-Ewould make a clear statement about dialogue between our church and other faith expressions.6511
14-Fwould allow a broader definition of marriage, while maintaining the right of each session to determine if a marriage ceremony is to be performed on church property, as well as maintaining the discretion of teaching elders to determine if they will officiate at any given wedding.5618

A Parental Leave Policy was adopted.  A condition of call to pastors, Commissioned Ruling Elders and Certified Christian Educators is that Parental Leave is available for the birth or adoption of a child.  The full policy is on the Presbytery website.

Larry Jackman, Stated Clerk

What Happened At Assembly 12/2/14

December 2, 2014

A Short Day at Mitchell—As is our norm, we met at Mitchell for our year-end meeting.  The half day meeting began at 1:00.

Worship—Our opening worship was led by our retiring moderator Elder Judy Holy and Susan McGhee.  Communion was celebrated to mark the close of the meeting.

New Leaders—The assembly greeted our new Synod Executive the Rev. Sara Dingman.  Sara offered her personal greetings to the presbytery.  Also, we met and had opportunity to hear greetings from the new Director of Pyoca.  Rev. Jake Hofmeister has recently taken office.

Meeting of the Corporation—Each year the Presbytery meets as a corporation of the State of Indiana.  It is this corporation that conducts civil business.  As a company, we elected Lant Davis as our President, Rob Peters as Vice-President and Jean Brown as Treasurer.

The Stated Clerk Reported—Larry reminded all moderators and clerks of session to get their annual reporting done early.  Support for that process can be through the Clerk or through Stephanie Worden at the office.

Larry also reminded the Assembly that we will be voting on Amendments to the Book of Order at our March meeting.

Per Capita and Budget Actions – A budget was presented and adopted.  Good conversation and discussion of that budget accompanied the adoption.  The total rate of the per capita will not change.  $29.33 remains the total of per capita.

Honorable Retirements – Rev. Jay Hudson was recognized as he retires and leaves behind the post of President of Presbyterian Investment Loan, Inc.  Jay joined Rev Dave Crittenden as Dave also retires from being the Interim Synod Executive of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies.

Both Jay and Dave have been invaluable resources to the churches of our presbytery.

Election of New Officers and Committee/Commission Members – The nominating committee reported a slate of candidates for the Presbytery.  Nominations for membership of the nominating committee itself were presented by the Council. Along with many others Rev. Eric Erickson was elected as Moderator of Presbytery for 2015 and Elder Zack Ellison as Vice Moderator.  Officers were installed and the retiring Moderator, Judy Holy was honored for her service as Moderator for 2014.

Lawrence Jackman, Stated Clerk