The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Category: Presbytery

  • June 4th Assembly News

    Joining God’s Good Work in Our Communities: The Presbytery of Ohio Valley assembles to celebrate what we’re doing already and explore what we might yet do.  God is up to something! All around the world, and right around the corner, God is up to something. And the good news is that we are a part…

  • What Happened at Assembly April 7, 2016

    POV enjoyed the hospitality of First Presbyterian in Jeffersonville.  The windows in the sanctuary have been refurbished in a major project that has been completed since the last time that the Presbytery met there. Ruling Elder Zack Ellision moderated his first meeting. The Transitional Executive from the Synod of Lincoln Trails was present.  Sara Dingman…

  • Installation: Rev. Felipe Martinez

    The Presbytery of Ohio Valley invites you to attend the installation of The Reverend Felipe Martinez as Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, 512 Seventh Street, Columbus, Indiana, on Sunday, April 17, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. (Eastern) (812) 372-3783 All ministers are invited to vest and wear red stoles.

  • 2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR CHURCHES AND PASTORS Attention Pastors: On July 18th youth from around the Ohio Valley Presbytery will be gathering for a delegation overnight before attending one of the greatest youth events in the Presbyterian world – Presbyterian Youth Triennium (PYT).  Every three years 6,000 youth gather at Purdue University in July for five…

  • What Happened at Assembly on December 3, 2015

    Presbytery had its year-end meeting.  As is normal, the meeting was an afternoon meeting only in Mitchell.  The congregation at Mitchell hosted. It was the final meeting for our Moderator, Eric Erickson.  Rev. Erickson preached at the opening worship time. An Inquirer was presented to the Assembly who has become a candidate.  The preparation for…

  • POV Assembly – December 3, 2015

    The next Assembly will take place at 1:00pm (ET) on Thursday, 12/3/2015 at the Mitchell Presbyterian Church. Registration will begin at Noon (ET). The packet, driving directions, and the minutes from the Sept & Nov meetings will be available for download from the assembly web page after 4:00pm on November 23rd. Online registration for the Assembly is available now. Please let us know if you will…

  • What Happened at the November 11th Called Meeting

    Presbytery of Ohio Valley Called Meeting Fairlawn Presbyterian Church Columbus, Indiana November 11, 2015  The Assembly was Called to Order and worship at (10:30 a.m.) by Moderator  Rev. Eric Erickson. The scripture lesson read was Mark 6:1-13. Was the basis for the sermon offered was to “Keep On Keeping On”.  Deacon Kimber-lee Docke Adams preached. Introductions,…