Category: Presbytery
Join Bread For The World Ninth Congressional District Network
From The First Presbyterian Church of Scottsburg, Indiana: Tom Blake, a Bread for the World volunteer in Greenwood, is working to form an ecumenical network of churches located within the ninth Congressional District. The plan is for these churches to join our efforts to coordinate when and how we conduct our 2018 Bread for the…
Presbyterians join hundreds of thousands in march against gun violence
Office of Public Witness organizes denominational contingent in Washington By Rick Jones | Presbyterian News Service Original Article Here LOUISVILLE – Across the country and the world Saturday, hundreds of thousands of people took part in rallies and demonstrations against gun violence. The March for Our Lives was organized by students in various communities. The…
2017 Pyoca Summer Camp
– The following is the text of the Pyoca Summer newsletter. Friends of Pyoca, We are in the midst of transitioning from an unforgettable, very successful summer camp season to a very busy and exciting fall retreat season. While there’s much to look forward to this fall as we have a full conference and retreat…
News from PC(USA) 7/25/2017
in PresbyteryAttending church is good for your health. Now what? Yonat Shimron | Religion News Service Latest in a long line of studies shows church attendance is good for your health Buckle up, hold on tight, and pray like crazy Eva Stimson | Office of the General Assembly Communications Community outreach sparks new life at Tacoma…
POV Assembly: June 15th at Mitchell
The next Assembly will take place at 10:00 am (ET) on Thursday, 6/15/2017 at the Mitchell Presbyterian Church. Registration will begin at 9:00 am (ET). The packet, driving directions, and the minutes from the March 25, 2017 meeting will be available for download from the assembly web page after 4:00pm on June 8th. Online registration for the Assembly is available now. Please let us know if…
What Happened at Assembly on March 25, 2017
What Happened at Assembly on March 25th? The Presbytery enjoyed the hospitality of the Mitchell Presbyterian Church, Mitchell, Indiana Installation of Vice Moderator and Stated Clerk The Moderator installed David Crittenden as Stated Clerk and Barbara Ferguson as Vice-Moderator of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley. Examination of Je Myoung Lee After preaching for the Presbytery Je…
POV Assembly: March 25, 2017
The next Assembly will take place at 10:00 am (ET) on Saturday, 3/25/2017 at the Mitchell Presbyterian Church. Registration will begin at 9:00 am (ET). At this Assembly, we will be voting on the proposed amendments to the Book of Order that were approved by the 222nd General Assembly. The amendments are available via download at the following…