The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Category: Presbytery

  • Colin Andrews named Director of Music at Columbus, First

    First Presbyterian Church of Columbus, Indiana is initiating a special approach as Colin Andrews becomes Director of Music. 

  • POV Partnership with International Center of Bethlehem

    In 2004 Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, Director of the International Center of Bethlehem, extended an invitation to the Presbytery of Ohio Valley to “Come and see” the work of the Center. In January 2006, 13 people from the Presbytery of Ohio Valley accepted Mitri Raheb’s invitation and traveled to Bethlehem. Returning home, the travelers designed…

  • New Presbyter for Common Life

    On July 22, 2009, the Presbytery of Ohio Valley elected Susan McGhee to the position of Presbyter for Common Life. Susan will officially begin September 16, 2009. Welcome, Susan!

  • Called Meeting of the Presbytery

    Mark your calendars: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 Dear Sisters and Brothers of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley, The Assembly’s Search Committee to Nominate a Presbyter for Common Life has requested a Called Meeting of the Presbytery for July 22, 2009. The meeting is called for 3:00 p.m. at the Mitchell Church. The purpose of the meeting is to…

  • Mileage Rate chance for 2009

    Note to churches that reimburse pastors and other church workers for mileage: there is a small decrease in the IRS allowed reimbursable rate. In 2009 the rate will be 55¢ per mile. It has been 58.5¢ per mile for the last half of 2008. Our presbytery recommends reimbursing guest preachers, pastors and other church workers…

  • Flood 2008 Updates

    Disaster Assistance Information – 24 June 2008 A Financial Plan for Flood Relief – 12 June 2008 Prayer after the flooding: Holy and Grace Filled God, we are people who even in the midst of great distress and sadness are grateful. We are grateful for your presence that is with us in all times. We…