Category: Presbytery
Download the Packet Now!
The Packet for the September 9th Assembly is now available for download. Please be aware that the included docket may be subject to revision as we get closer to next Thursday.
The September Assembly will be held at the United Presbyterian Church in Bloomington. Registration will begin at 9am ET (8am CT), and the meeting will begin at 10am ET. Reports to be included in the Packet must be submitted via email no later than noon on Monday, August 30th to To access the Packet reports,…
2010 Youth Triennium Report
in PresbyteryThe Youth Triennium took place at Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana during July 20-24. Click on the link to read Rachel Pederson’s Report of what the experience was like for the youth from POV who attended.
219th General Assembly
July 3-10, 2010 To follow the business items presented at General Assembly, go to the 219th General Assembly web site and click on the green “Login to PC-Biz” button on the upper-left side of the site. You will be redirected to the PC-Biz site. In the upper-right corner of the PC-Biz site select the “Register a…
Katrina Mission Trip 2010
During the week of April 11-17th, Thirteen participants from 5 churches in the South Central Cluster of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley joined Presbyterians from around the country in New Orleans to aid in the ongoing recovery effort. Click on the link to see pictures of their time there and read a short account of…
Kenya Mission Blog
Rev. Cal Brand will be in Kenya from January through April, 2010, to supervise Joseph Mothaly as he supervises a group of 5-6 pastors and students in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at the Presbyterian University of East Africa (PUEA), located near Nairobi, Kenya. Follow his mission trip through his blog at: Kenya Mission Blog.
Santa Fe Soup
in PresbyteryBy popular demand, Rev. Andy Holmes has shared with us his recipe for the Santa Fe Soup (and other recipes) served at February’s assembly. Click below for a downloadable pdf of the recipes: Recipes