Category: Presbytery
The Rev. Dave Crittenden selected to head GAMC Stewardship Ministry
Long-term Synod Leader Brings Broad Experience to the Role OCTOBER 4, 2010 Louisville, KY (The original article is here.) The Rev. David Crittenden, of Indianapolis, Ind., has been chosen to lead a new stewardship ministry for the General Assembly Mission Council (GAMC). The GAMC stewardship ministry will focus on inspiring, equipping, and connecting Presbyterians to…
An Opportunity to Study the Proposed Government Documents
in PresbyteryThe full text of the meeting announcement is on the South West Cluster Newsletter page. If you would like to study the proposed new government documents together in a study group please respond to Gathering date & time will be at First Presbyterian, Mount Vernon at 12N CDT (bring a sack lunch) on Wednesday September 29…
SE Cluster Meeting 9/23/10
in PresbyteryThe next gathering of Southeast Cluster of the Presybytery of Ohio Valley is Thursday, September 23 at 6 pm (EST) at Trinity United Presbyterian Church in New Washington. Please bring a dish-to-pass for a shared meal. Beyond table fellowship and get-to-know-you conversations, our agenda will include: Accepting by consensus Peter Barnes-Davies as Cluster Communicator on…
An Invitation to pastors and CLPs and spouses in POV
On Tuesday September 14th, the POV Lilly Grant is sponsoring a special catered dinner for pastors, CLPs, and their spouses who are attending the Board of Pensions seminar, Growing Into Tomorrow … Today, to be held at Evansville Eastminster Church on September 14th & 15th. We would like to extend an invitation to all area…
Presbyterian Women Fall Gathering
PW PRESBYTERY OF OHIO VALLEY – FALL GATHERING OCTOBER 30,2010 9:30 am Registration Mission Prograll: TREES OF LIFE! School Kit Mission Project All women of the church are invited to gather for fellowship in community, mission, worship, Bible study, laughter and a meal Every church represented is asked to please bring the following to the meeting:…
The EVENT for Jr. and Sr. High Students
The EVENT takes place on November 13th from 3:00pm to 10:00pm at Corydon Presbyterian Church – 568 Hwy 62 West. There will be food, friends, corn hole and karaoke – And….. The Great Romance will be there in concert at 7:00pm!!!!! This event is sponsored by the Presbytery of Ohio Valley, Corydon Presbyterian, 1st Presbyterian…
The Transforming Power of Mission
The Transforming Power of Mission, an inspirational and practical workshop for congregations in the Presbytery of Ohio Valley will be presented at 2 (identical) workshops: Saturday, October 9: First Presbyterian Church, Columbus Saturday, October 23: Indiana Presbyterian Church, Vincennes 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. EST (9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Central Time) Registration & Refreshments at…