Category: Presbytery
Join the SE Cluster on the Evening of November 18th
in PresbyteryA Choral Evening Prayer Service, sponsored by the Adult Christian Education Subgroup, will be held on November 18th at 7:00 p.m. at Madison Presbyterian Church, 202 Broadway, with the combined choirs of the Hanover Presbyterian and Madison Presbyterian Churches. The service will be preceded by the usual Food, Fun, and Fellowship time at 6:00 p.m.…
Sr. High 2010 Winter Retreat
Pyoca Camp and Conference Center invites you to: the annual Senior High Winter Retreat: Dec. 28- 30, 2010. Come for three days of reflection, reconnection and FUN! Experience Pyoca in the winter at the annual Sr. High Retreat. Take time to enjoy the beauty of nature and the joy of great friendships as well as reflect on the many…
South Central Convener Change
in PresbyteryThe new convener for the South Central cluster is Rev. Allen Colwell from St. John in New Albany. Susan Ryan continues as communicator.
Presbyterian Women Notes
Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Ohio Valley (PWPOV) exist to be the connectional link between the women of the churches in our presbytery and the larger church. We are looking for Presbyterian women in the congregation who want to help connect with women in the presbytery. This involves a commitment of time and energy.…
December 2010 Assembly – Update
The next Assembly meeting will be held on Thursday, December 2, 2010 at the Mitchell Presbyterian Church. Registration will begin at Noon, and the meeting is scheduled to begin at 1:00pm EST. As this is an afternoon assembly, lunch will not be served. There will be an optional pre-assembly gathering 10:00am-Noon EST as an opportunity to study, reflect…
New Albany, St. John United to Host Concert
On Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 4:00pm EST, St. John United Presbyterian in New Albany, IN will host a concert – “Portraits.” Vocalist Diane Houghton, accompanied by Dr. David K. Lamb as pianist, will sing songs by Sondheim, Kander & Ebb, Amanda McBroom and more. Free will offering. Parking will be on the east side…
First Presbyterian of Cynthiana – Final Worship Service
The Session and the Congregation of First Presbyterian Church of Cynthiana Invite You to Join Us for the Final Worship Service of Our Congregation Sunday, October 31, 2010 10:00 a.m. Central Daylight Time 10866 North Street (Corner of North and Whiting Streets) Cynthiana, Indiana Please RSVP by Sunday, October 24 to Barbara Snyder, 812-886-0272 or