Category: Presbytery
POV Office Holiday Schedule
in PresbyteryRhonda and Stephanie will be on vacation the week following Christmas, so the office will be closed that week (December 27th-31st). We will reopen on Tuesday, January 4th. Susan McGhee can be reached the week following Christmas by calling the POV Office at 866-344-7853, extension 1. Best wishes to all for a safe and merry…
Belhar Confession Workshop Rescheduled
This workshop has been rescheduled for Saturday, January 15, 2011. This Workshop is Co-sponsored by McCormick Theological Seminary and the Synod of Lincoln Trails in support of presbyteries and congregations of the synod and beyond. The workshop will give particular attention to the social and theological implications of the Belhar Confession for the North American…
2011 Assembly Schedule
The 2011 Assembly Dates are: March 5 (Saturday), at First Presbyterian in Jeffersonville June 2 (Thursday), at Central Presbyterian in Terre Haute September 10 (Saturday), at Fairlawn Presbyterian in Columbus December 1 (Thursday), Location To Be Announced With the exception of 12/1/2011, all Assembly meetings for 2011 will begin at 10 am ET / 9 am…
Bethlehem, Dar al-Kalima College
These are photos from the opening of the Dar al-Kalima College in Bethlehem, November 30, 2010. There is a classroom in the College named the “Indiana Room.” The Partnership we are engaged in there, between the Presbytery of Ohio Valley and the International Center of Bethlehem, has helped this building get outfitted. Our prayers, our…
Assembly Reminder & Packet info
As a reminder, the next Assembly takes place at 1:00pm Eastern time at the Mitchell Presbyterian Church. Registration will begin at Noon. There will be an informal gathering from 10:00am – 12:00pm for discussion of the New Form of Government document* that was handed out at the September Assembly. All are welcome to attend the…
Office Closed for Thanksgiving
in PresbyteryThe office of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley will be closed on Thursday, November 25, for the Thanksgiving holiday. We will re-open for our normal hours on Monday, November 29th.
The Big Tent 2011
PC(USA) Big Tent Will Be in Indianapolis June 30 – July 2, 2011 Plans Proceed for Denominational Gathering At the first Big Tent, held in Atlanta in June 2009, 10 conferences of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) met concurrently, allowing participants to attend workshops and meet people from different areas of the denomination. The 2011 event,…