The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Category: Presbytery

  • POV Office Closed 12/22/23 – 1/2/24

    During the holidays, the presbytery office will be closed from Friday, December 22nd through Monday, January 1st. The office will reopen at 9:00 am on January 2, 2024. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • Tornado Damage in Sullivan & Martinsville

    The following is adapted from the Prayers of the Presbytery announcement sent by the Rev. Susan McGhee on Sunday, April 2, 2023. Another news article, Tornadoes damage PC(USA) churches and destroy homes in the presbyteries of Ohio Valley and Arkansas, was published by PCUSA on 4/4/2023. In Sullivan, where the Rev. Dawn Black serves as pastor of First Presbyterian…


    Six weeks of communal learning this January and February NEXT Church is offering a six-week training and conversation Learning Circle focused on antiracism during January and February 2023.  Each circle is curated with similar content while creating space focused on a specific context or lived experience. Learning circles will unpack the six values upholding white…

  • Faith and Climate Crisis Virtual Sunday School

    You are invited to participate in a free 4-part virtual Sunday School program on the Climate Crisis. We hope this opportunity will engage hearts, minds and spirits in recognizing the urgency of the climate crisis, and will inspire individuals and congregations to take action to address this crisis. (Click to view and download a flyer)…

  • Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering Postponed

    Updated: 8/25/2020 The Fall Gathering Date has been cancelled. The Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering in the Presbytery of Ohio Valley was originally planned for May 9, 2020; however, it has been postponed and now has a new date. The Presbyterian Women Fall Gathering: Celebrating Female Clergy will now take place: Saturday, September 26, 2020 at…

  • The Presbytery of Ohio Valley is Posting a List of Online Worship Opportunities

    In an effort to help us stay connected with one another, the presbytery has complied a list of our churches offering online worship services. The presbytery cannot provide technical support for any of the links, and if you experience any difficulties, please contact the specific church directly. Churches, should email Stephanie Worden by noon each…

  • PC(USA) Articles: Social Distancing and Ways to Stay Connected

    Here are links to some of the recent articles published by PC(USA) regarding social distancing, and ways to use technology to keep congregations connected. Social distancing and the love of neighbor Zooming to the rescue in the face of COVID-19 Three hundred participate in 1001 Zoom conversation on streaming worship services Free Resources from the…