Category: Presbytery
Gathering of the North Central Cluster
in PresbyteryOn Thursday, May 19th From 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM United Presbyterian Church at 1701 E. 2nd Street, Bloomington (located at the corner of 2nd Street and Eastside Drive) Please RSVP by Monday, 5/16 to the church @ 812-332-1850 or to assist with a count for the meal. Dinner will cost $6.50. Join us for fellowship,…
Interested in Attending Big Tent 2011?
The Presbytery of Ohio Valley will reimburse the cost of Big Tent registration ($285) for members of the presbytery. Go to the the PC(USA) Big Tent website to register for the event. Or contact: Kerry Rice at G.A. Meeting Services – (800) 728-7228, x5412 Send your registration/payment confirmation to the POV office. We’ll send you the reimbursement!…
Results: GA Amendments Vote
This table shows the results of the vote taken at the the March 5, 2011 Assembly. Please note that Presbytery will vote on the Belhar Confession at the June 2 Assembly.
Download the COM Report
The COM Report has been added to the packet today, March 1st. If you already downloaded the document that was posted last Thursday (Feb 24th), then just click on the link above to get the report. These pages can simply be inserted into those you already have – after the Treasurer’s report, and before the…
March 5th Assembly Voting
in PresbyteryAs a reminder, during the March 5th Assembly we will be voting on all the proposed amendments from GA, except for the Belhar Confession. That vote will take place at the June Assembly. If you need to download the documents describing the amendments, they can be found on the POV homepage at
South Central Cluster Meetings 2011
in PresbyteryOn Wednesday, January 12th the SC cluster will resume their monthly brown bag lunch gatherings. This year the monthly meetings will be held at St. John Presbyterian Church in New Albany, church home of Rev. Allen Colwell, the moderator of the cluster. There is still room on the Cluster Katrina Mission Trip to New Orleans…
Pastoral Letter from Rev’d. McGhee
in PresbyteryTo download a print-friendly PDF of Susan’s letter, click on this link: 12-2010_pastoral_letter.pdf A Pastoral Letter to the Presbytery of Ohio Valley The Rev’d. Susan C. McGhee, Presbyter for Common Life December 21, 2010 In my travels around the presbytery this year, preaching here and there, I’ve noticed that when it comes to pulpits, one…