Category: Presbytery
Assembly: December 2011
The next Assembly will take place at 1:00pm Eastern time on Thursday, December 1st, at Mitchell Presbyterian Church in Mitchell, IN. Registration will begin at 12:00pm. Reports for the Packet must be submitted via email by noon on Monday, November 21st to Stephanie Worden. The packet, driving directions, and the minutes from the September meeting will be available for download…
The Event 2011
The EVENT Featuring a concert by “The Great Romance” Saturday, November 19th Corydon Presbyterian Church 568 Hwy 62 W Corydon, IN Worship, Communion, Games, Food, Friends – Youth Groups coming from out of town are invited to stay for a lock-in. – Worship on Sunday morning will feature “The Great Romance” Dinner and Breakfast…
Gathering of the North Central Region
in PresbyteryThursday, November 10th from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM At First Presbyterian in Martinsville, 240 E. Washington St. Located on the corner of Sycamore and Washington Streets, the easiest access is from the Hwy 37N/252 intersection to Hospital Dr. (left turn at stoplight from 37N, or straight across from 252). Turn left at T onto Morgan St. Go west…
Photos from the New Covenant (Monroe City) Closing Service
The closing service for Monroe City, New Covenant Church was held on Sunday, October 2, 2011. All photographs taken by Linda Peters and re-posted here with her permission.
Post Area Gatherings Message
in PresbyteryDear Sisters and Brothers, Susan McGhee and I have just finished our area meetings to interpret some of the recent actions of the General Assembly. The two items of focus were Amendment 10A and the change in the Form of Government. Your hospitality and participation was appreciated. Two items arose that may well help sessions…
GLAPCE Fall Event
in PresbyteryPlease join us for the GLAPCE FALL EVENT on October 25-27, 2011, at Geneva Center in Rochester, IN. The topic is Faith Re-Formation: Making Our Practices Reformed. We are pleased to have Dr. Donald McKim as the main speaker. Download the registration form. ABOUT THIS YEAR’S EVENT: In our times together, we will explore Reformed accents…
What Happened at Assembly 9/10/11
The Presbytery of Ohio Valley enjoyed the hospitality of Fairlawn Presbyterian Church in Columbus and its pastor, Anne C.S. Marshall. The standard items of business were conducted in the context of worship with Rev. Gary Scroggins preaching in the morning and Rev. Norrie Erickson as the celebrant of the Sacrament of Communion in the afternoon.…