The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Category: Presbytery

  • Areas Affected by the Tornado

    Areas Affected by the Tornado

    UPDATE: Please go to the POV Newsletter & Updates page for current links and information. The information in this article was current as of 3/6/2012.  Regarding monetary donations, the Presbytery has set up an account to receive them. All checks need to be clearly labeled (either in the memo line or in accompanying documentation) for…

  • Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering

    The Spring Gathering for the POV Presbyterian Women will be at Charlestown Community Church on Saturday, April 28, 2012. Registration begins at 9:30 am EST and the program begins at 10 am. Lunch will be $6 and meeting will be adjourned at 1:30 pm following communion. Pre-registration is encouraged. Contact Donna McCreary-Brown: 812-256-2370 Visit…

  • Bloomfield Pastor is ‘Chaplain of the Day’ at the Indiana State House

    From the Greene County Daily Word Local Minister, Doctor Have Special Honor During Recent Legislative Session On Jan. 11, the Rev. Murray Thompson, pastor of the Bloomfield First Presbyterian Church, served as “Chaplain of the Day” and Greene County health officer and veteran Linton medical doctor, Dr. Fred Ridge, M.D. was “Physician of the Day”…

  • POV Academy April Weekend

    The POV Academy Invites YOU to: Journey Through the Old Testament Led by the Rev. Dr. Alan Finnan This course is for YOU if you’d like to… increase your appreciation of the spiritual value of the Old Testament become more aware of the story and faith of Israel in its development as a nation master a…

  • Assembly: March 2012

    Assembly: March 2012

    The next Assembly will take place at 10:00am Eastern time on Thursday, 3/8/2012, at First Presbyterian Church in Martinsville, IN. Registration will begin at 9:00am. Reports for the Packet must be submitted via email by noon on Monday, February 27th to Stephanie Worden. The packet, driving directions, and the minutes from the December meeting will be available for download from…

  • POV Office Closed for the Holidays

    POV Office Closed for the Holidays

    Christmas Greetings! Due to the holidays and staff vacations, the presbytery office will close at 2:00pm on Thursday, 12/23/2011, and will reopen at 9:00am on Tuesday, 1/3/2012. During this time, the Stated Clerk will be checking email and voicemail periodically. You can reach him at 866-344-7853 ext. 2 or his email address. We wish you all…

  • What Happened At Assembly December 1, 2011

    Worship—As always, our Assembly was a worship event.  Susan McGhee was our preacher for the day.  Susan’s sermon focused on “singing and dancing” our way into the future.  The Lord’s Supper was celebrated by Alan Finnan and Cheryl Thorne. Recognition of New Covenant Church’s Ministry—There has been an Administrative Commission in place for several months…