Category: Presbytery
Upcoming POV Academy Classes
Information and Registration forms are now posted on the POV main site for the following classes: Journey Through the New Testament – November 16-17, 2012 History of the Christian Church: Many Lamps, One Light? – January 18-19, 2013 Reformed Theolgy – March 15-16, 2013 Each retreat runs 6pm Friday – 5pm Saturday. The cost for…
Fellowship Before the Assembly!
Friday POV Overnight at Camp PYOCA September 14-15, 2012 Come one, come all! Have you ever left a Presbytery meeting sorry that you didn’t have time for conversation or prayer with someone? Wendy Olson and Linda Peters have also felt that way. They also wondered if you’ve never been to a Presbytery meeting because you…
Assembly: September 2012
The next Assembly will take place at 10:00am Eastern time on Saturday, 9/15/2012, at PYOCA Camp and Conference Center in Brownstown, IN. Registration will begin at 9:00am (EST). Reports for the Packet must be submitted via email by noon on Monday, September 3rd to Stephanie Worden. The packet, driving directions, and the minutes from the June meeting will be available…
The Event Returns on August 18th
The Event 2012 will be held on: Saturday August 18th beginning at 3pm at Camp Pyoca in Brownstown, Indiana. This is a unique youth event for southern Indiana. Sponsored by the Presbytery and Camp Pyoca this is a great opportunity to kick start your ministry year with great fellowship, phenomenal music and more. Major Highlights The…
NC Region Gathering for August
in PresbyteryGathering of the North Central Region Thursday, August 9th 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM First Presbyterian Church 301 N. Walnut Street, Seymour The church is located on the northwest corner of Third and Walnut, three blocks north of Hwy 50, with parking on the west side of the church. Join us for fellowship, food, worship, and program.…
Tornado Recovery Update: We’re Building a House!
July 17, 2012 Dear Friends, I’m learning that they don’t call it “long term recovery” for nothing! Indeed, the process of helping people restore and reclaim and rebuild and recover following a disaster requires months and months of hard work. I am so grateful for all the good and hard work of so many in…
August 19th Celebration at Rehoboth Presbyterian
The Rehoboth Presbyterian Church, Laconia, Indiana will observe a special Celebration Sunday on Sunday, August 19, 2012. On that day we will mark the 183rd birthday of the church and the 50th anniversary of Pastor Frank Hainer’s ordination to the gospel ministry of Teaching Elder. There will be a joint service with the Laconia and…