Category Archives: Presbytery

November Meeting for NC Region

Gathering of the North Central Region

Thursday, November 1st
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
First Presbyterian Church
1504 L Street, Bedford

The church is located on the corner of 15th Street and L Street, one block north of Hwy 50, which runs east/west through Bedford.

Join us for fellowship, food, worship, and program.

To assist with a count for the meal, please RSVP to Pastor Mark McDaniel @ (812) 275-5853 no later than Monday, October 29th. The meal will cost $6.

The program will feature a presentation and discussion by the POV’s Church Transformation Team (CTT) on their current work and ideas for revitalization and transformation of congregations.

See you on November 1st!

What Happened at Assembly 9/15/12

The Presbytery met in Assembly at PYOCA.  It was an opportunity for the members of Presbytery to see and appreciate the wonderful resource of the Camp and help celebrate the recent 60th “birthday” of this ministry.

Preparation for Ministry is something that happens in many steps.  Two phases in those steps are a period of Inquirer status and Candidacy.  Candidate status comes when both the person and the presbytery agree that there is a real call to Teaching Elder Ministry and the gifts are present to make that call a reality.  Martha Lasher, a member at Brownstown Church, moved to Candidacy with the recommendation and support of the Committee on Preparation for Ministry and the action of the presbytery.  Martha’s sense of call is to the military chaplaincy.  She serves in the National Guard currently.

Per Capita for 2013.  The per capita is to support the maintenance and administrative costs of the church at various levels.  In some real sense it is the cost of doing business.  Program costs are not part of the per capita budgets of the church.

Per capita for 2013 will be the same as for 2012—that is $29.33.  The presbytery is going to absorb increases in other places to keep the total the same.

Minimum Compensation standards were established for 2013.  There is a 3% increase in minimum compensation for 2013.  There is also a 1% increase in pension dues.  Full data is on the Presbytery website.

The Great Swap-a-Roo.  Church Transformation reported that Reformation Sunday, October 28 will be an opportunity for congregations to share with other congregations the stories of ministry going on in their communities.  Many of our churches will designate a speaker to send to another church and tell a story of ministry and of the differences being made by our people in each place.

2013 Budget Approved Our budget for next year maintains a total anticipated expenditure budget of almost no increase.  (Less than $300 out of almost $ 400,000.)

Worship included Rev Dave Crittenden sharing a sermon on Stewardship and the “New School Praise Band of Brownstown Church sharing music.

Larry Jackman
Stated Clerk, Presbyery of Ohio Valley

North Central Region Pastors’ Breakfast

Pastors, tell each other; elders, tell your pastor(s):

The third in a series of breakfasts for pastors in the North Central Region of the POV will be held on Wednesday, October 10th, at 8:30 AM.

As before, the location will be the Village Deli in Bloomington, at 409 E. Kirkwood Avenue (for any unfamiliar with the area, Kirkwood is the street between 4th and 6th, running along the south side of the downtown square – go east a few blocks from the square to 409, on the north side of the street).

There is, as usual, no real agenda or format, but good conversation and sharing of ideas, hopes, and concerns will be the likely result.

Also, please try to “save the date” for our next Regional Gathering in Bedford on November 1st.  A flyer with more information will be sent out soon.

We hope to see many pastors on the 8th and also hope that many pastors, elders, and other interested church members will come to Bedford on November 1st.

Your North Central Region Leadership Team

Upcoming POV Academy Classes

Information and Registration forms are now posted on the POV main site for the following classes:

  • Journey Through the New Testament – November 16-17, 2012
  • History of the Christian Church: Many Lamps, One Light? – January 18-19, 2013
  • Reformed Theolgy – March 15-16, 2013

Each retreat runs 6pm Friday – 5pm Saturday. The cost for each is $100.00

Who is the POV Academy for?

(1) Those who want to explore the possibility of becoming CREs and
(2) Any adult in any of our churches who would like to take one or more classes for their own personal growth and education.

Participants are welcome to attend only one class or as many as they would like.

For more information about each retreat, please download the flyers and registration forms.

Fellowship Before the Assembly!

Friday POV Overnight at Camp PYOCA

September 14-15, 2012

Come one, come all!

Have you ever left a Presbytery meeting sorry that you didn’t have time for conversation or prayer with someone? Wendy Olson and Linda Peters have also felt that way. They also wondered if you’ve never been to a Presbytery meeting because you thought they were always MEETINGS? So they have planned this gathering just for you.

Here are some of what will be available alongside the September meeting. Relax. Share a long conversation. Laugh and sing silly songs. Pray for a good long while. Eat a leisurely meal. Walk in the woods. Play with children. Roast MARSHMALLOWS!  These things may not typically be associated with a Presbytery meeting, but these are things designed into the OPTIONAL Pre-Presbytery-Party event for Friday evening.

We hope you will be there so we can share these with YOU! Oh, and bring the family – the whole family. They are all invited and there will be special activities for non-delegates during the Saturday Assembly.

Join us Friday night for fun and reflection with your fellow Presbyterians.

  • You can come early on Friday (no lunch provided)
  • Dinner will begin at 6:00PM and be available till 7:00PM.
  • Breakfast will be with the Presbytery at 9:00 AM (early risers will have a basket in their cabins)
  • If you play a musical instrument, please bring it to join in the fun.

There will be an inter-active prayer center at the chapel available through lunch on the 15th.

If you have any particular joys or concerns for you or your congregation please send them to Linda Peters to list in the prayer center.

Through a generous grant by the Council the cost is only $20/ person.  Children 12 and under are free.

To attend the event, print the Registration Form, fill it out and mail it (with payment) by August 31st to the Presbytery Office:

Presbytery of Ohio Valley
1701 E. 2nd Street, Suite 100
Bloomington, IN 47401

Assembly: September 2012

The next Assembly will take place at 10:00am Eastern time on Saturday, 9/15/2012, at PYOCA Camp and Conference Center in Brownstown, IN.

Registration will begin at 9:00am (EST).

Reports for the Packet must be submitted via email by noon on Monday, September 3rd to Stephanie Worden.

The packet, driving directions, and the minutes from the June meeting will be available for download from the assembly webpage after 4:00pm (EST) on Thursday, September 6th.

Online registration for the Assembly will be available on Thursday August 2nd. Please let us know if you will be in attendance!

The Event Returns on August 18th

The Event 2012 will be held on:

Saturday August 18th beginning at 3pm at Camp Pyoca in Brownstown, Indiana.

This is a unique youth event for southern Indiana.  Sponsored by the Presbytery and Camp Pyoca this is a great opportunity to kick start your ministry year with great fellowship, phenomenal music and more.

Major Highlights

The Great Romance will be preforming at 7pm

Cost = $5 (that’s all… seriously, $5)

Camp Pyoca!  Hang out with friends from around Southern Indiana—play gaga, take out a boat, and in general relish the last few minutes of summer.

Information for Adults

1)      Individual youth or youth groups are welcome to attend!  If you can RSVP that will help us plan activities.

2)      Camp Pyoca is located outside Brownstown, Indiana great instructions are available here

3)      We’ll finish things up between 9:00 and 9:30pm

Information for the Detail Oriented

3:00-5:30 games, meet up with friends, take out boats on the lake

5:30 DINNER!

6:30 Get ready for the Concert!


9:00 closing campfire

9:30 head home!

More Questions?

Feel free to contact:

Tami Gibson (502-931-8918)  or Rachel Pedersen (812-332-1514)