The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Category: Presbytery

  • What Happened at Assembly on March 5th?

    New Moderator, Rev Scott Hill, wielded the gavel for his first meeting of POV.  Scott is transitioning from his ministry as pastor at Corydon to being the interim pastor at Columbus First. Representation in Balance  Part of the fundamental principles of the Presbyterian Church is that ministers (Teaching Elders) do not outweigh Ruling Elders in…

  • Four Doorways Workshop

    The Church Transformation Team of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley is sponsoring a special one day worship workshop called Four Doorways. Learn to unlock the gifts your congregation already has to revitalize worship. The event takes place: Saturday, April 13th 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. First Presbyterian Church Bloomington Workshop leader and church musician, Adam Kukuk,…

  • 2013 Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering

    Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Ohio Valley 24th Annual Spring Gathering – Saturday, April 27, 2013 First Presbyterian Church 401 Shyla Lane Bloomfield, IN Keynote Speaker: Nadine Hill Synod of Lincoln Trails, Presbyterian Women’s Moderator Registration: 9:30 AM (EST) Lunch $6.00 Celebration of the Lord’s Supper Closing Prayer: 1:30 PM (EST)

  • December 4th Assembly

    The next Assembly will take place at 1:00pm Eastern time on Tuesday, 12/4/2012, at the Mitchell Presbyterian Church in Mitchell, IN. Registration will begin at 12:00pm (EST). Reports for the Packet must be submitted via email by Friday, November 23rd to Stephanie Worden. The packet, driving directions, and the minutes from the June meeting will be available for download from…

  • November Meeting for NC Region

    Gathering of the North Central Region Thursday, November 1st 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM First Presbyterian Church 1504 L Street, Bedford The church is located on the corner of 15th Street and L Street, one block north of Hwy 50, which runs east/west through Bedford. Join us for fellowship, food, worship, and program. To assist…

  • What Happened at Assembly 9/15/12

    The Presbytery met in Assembly at PYOCA.  It was an opportunity for the members of Presbytery to see and appreciate the wonderful resource of the Camp and help celebrate the recent 60th “birthday” of this ministry. Preparation for Ministry is something that happens in many steps.  Two phases in those steps are a period of…

  • North Central Region Pastors’ Breakfast

    Pastors, tell each other; elders, tell your pastor(s): The third in a series of breakfasts for pastors in the North Central Region of the POV will be held on Wednesday, October 10th, at 8:30 AM. As before, the location will be the Village Deli in Bloomington, at 409 E. Kirkwood Avenue (for any unfamiliar with…