The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Category: Presbytery

  • Retirement Announcement: Rev. David Bremer

    An Invitation to all POV members: The Reverend David A. Bremer has announced his retirement.   On Sunday, July 28, 2013 at 10 a.m., he will deliver his farewell sermon at United Presbyterian Church where he has faithfully served the congregation for nearly 22 years.   All are warmly welcome to attend. The service will include his…

  • “Rockin’ at Rockville”

    On Saturday, June 15, a small but enthusiastic group of Presbyterians were introduced to the new Presbyterian hymnal “Glory to God” at the Memorial Presbyterian Church in Rockville.  In a large sanctuary with beautiful organ and piano instruments available, two doctoral students at the Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music helped show the new possibilities…

  • June Assembly Stewardship Follow-up

    Joy and thanksgiving on beautiful paper! What you see above are your prayers of gratitude. At the June 8 assembly you were invited to bring prayers of thanksgiving forward after the sermon, written on small squares of origami paper. I took them home and put them in a jar, praying your thanksgivings with you. I…

  • Assembly Report for June 8, 2013

    Some of What Happened at Assembly on June 8, 2013 Commissioning—As our worship/work began, the Assembly celebrated and commissioned people to several special tasks: Nearly a dozen young people who will serve PYOCA were commissioned to that special ministry.  In addition many of the three dozen youth and leaders of the Presbytery’s delegation to the…

  • NC Region May Gathering

    Gathering of the North Central Region Wednesday, May 22nd from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Columbus First Presbyterian Church 512 Seventh Street, Columbus, IN The church is located on Seventh, just east of Washington, a major north-south street through downtown Columbus.  There is a large public parking lot across the street in front of the church. Join us for…

  • Hymnody Workshops

    The two workshops to introduce the new “GLORY to God”  hymnal will be as follows: Saturday, May 11th, 2013 at First Presbyterian Church 222 Walnut Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 Saturday,  June 15th, 2013 at Memorial Presbyterian Church 130 S. Market Street, Rockville, Indiana 47872 Registration and get-acquainted for each workshop will begin at 9:30 a.m. There is no charge for…

  • 3B Program Coming to Camp PYOCA in April

    Would you like a new, innovative, fun way to “do” evangelism/nurture  in your congregation – while presenting an all inclusive program for senior citizens that focuses on body, brain and belief?  If so, have we got an idea for you! The 3 B Program was created two years ago, initially for Presbyterians living in Indiana…