Category Archives: Presbytery

What Happened at Assembly September 14, 2013

The Assembly host was the Central Presbyterian Church of Terre Haute. 

Worship was led by the Presbytery delegation to the Youth Triennium 2013.  Several young people and adults from our delegation to Triennium were part of a presentation and of testimony to the event itself.  Triennium is a national gathering of Presbyterian Youth every three years.    It takes place on the campus of Perdue University.

Examination of an Inquirer and of a Candidate for Ordination

Jaeseok Park is an Inquirer being presented for movement to Candidacy.  Jaeseok is a member of the Korean Fellowship of Bloomington.  Jaeseok spoke of his life in the church both in Korea and in the United States.  He is a student at Louisville Seminary.

Martha Lasher is a Candidate from Brownstown.  Her final examination on the floor of Assembly was the last step for ordination.  She was affirmed by Assembly and will soon become ordained to the specialized ministry of Military Chaplaincy.  Martha also serves the Vernon Church.

2014 Budget was approved.  The budget was presented for the Assembly’s approval.  The budget is very nearly “flat” with only a very small increase.   That increase is 1.67%.

Per Capita is a portion of the total budget income which supports the administrative functions of the church at all levels beyond the local congregation.  That “rate” is a combination of Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly support.  We adopted a total per capita rate that was identical to 2013 for the next year ($29.33 per member).

[The 2014 Per Capita breakdown is available on the POV Resources for Treasurers page.]

Minimum Compensation Standards for Pastoral Services will be proposed.  These standards include Teaching Elders and Commissioned Ruling Elders.  The salary/housing standard for 2014 reflects an increase of 1.5%.

Recognition of the Honorable Retirement of Reverend David Bremer.  David has served the United Church of Bloomington for 22 plus years.  He and his wife Brenda Woods will continue to live in Brown County.  David’s service and work was honored. Stephanie Worden, an elder at Bloomington United and Larry Jackman , the Stated Clerk of Presbytery, spoke about David’s ministry.

Welcoming of New Members of Presbytery.  Scott Hookey the new pastor at Madison, David Rosen Member at Large,  and Debra McKune the new pastor at Grammer and Scipio were welcomed into the Presbytery.

Re-election of the Treasurer and Stated Clerk for new three year terms was approved.

Larry Jackman, Stated Clerk

North Central Region Motorcycle Ride

Presbytery of Ohio Valley
North Central Region Motorcycle Ride
Saturday, October 5, 2013

The ride begins at Brownstown Presbyterian, 417 N. Elm Street, with kickstands up at 10:00am. We will take a picture in front of each church we visit and will stop for lunch along the way. Join us at Brownstown for the full route, or join us anywhere along the route. Anyone in the Presbytery is welcome.

Stops Include: Seymour, Vernon, Scipio, Fairlawn, Brown County Fellowship, Bloomington United (POV Office), Bedford, and Mitchell.

For more information, contact Rev. Brad Napier at 358-4198 or 528-0977
Join us for Biker Koinonia (fellowship)!

North Central Region Meeting for 8/15/13

Gathering of the North Central Region

Thursday, August 15th
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Brown Co. Presbyterian Fellowship
602 State Road 135N

The church is located on the left (west) side of 135 N, after going up a long hill leaving Nashville.

Join us for fellowship, food, worship, and program.

To assist with a count for the meal, please RSVP to the church office at (812) 988-9764 by Monday, August 12th. 

The main program topic will be “Compassion,” led by the Rev. Dr. Patricia Tull, OT Professor Emeritus at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Worship will be led by the Rev. Dr. Scott Seay, pastor of the Brown County Presbyterian Fellowship and also Associate Professor of the History of Global Christianity at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis.

Additionally, we will welcome a new pastor to the Scipio and Grammer churches, the Rev. Deborah McKune, and we’ll also celebrate the retirement of the Rev. David Bremer, after his many years of service at United Presbyterian Church in Bloomington.

There will be reports from the Youth Triennium, an update on the new Presbyterian hymnal, and a time for other announcements.

See you on August 15th!

Retirement Announcement: Rev. David Bremer

An Invitation to all POV members:

The Reverend David A. Bremer has announced his retirement.   On Sunday, July 28, 2013 at 10 a.m., he will deliver his farewell sermon at United Presbyterian Church where he has faithfully served the congregation for nearly 22 years.   All are warmly welcome to attend.

The service will include his farewell sermon, a performance by pianist Jeeyoon Kim (PhD Jacobs School of Music) and a presentation from the congregation.   A Pitch-In of Love Luncheon will immediately follow in Fellowship Hall on the lower level of the church.  Entrees will be provided by the UPC congregation.  Please plan to bring a salad, side dish or dessert to share.

If you are unable to attend but would like to send a card or message to pass on to Reverend Bremer, we would be happy to accept it and pass it along for you.  Please mail them to:

Allen Pease
United Presbyterian Secretary
3080 E. Covenanter Drive
Bloomington, IN 47401

Best regards,

Elder Souheil Haddad, Chair
UPC Worship Committee:
Shannon Bahr, Alejandra Haddad, Elaine Hubbard, Jeeyoon Kim, Allen Pease

“Rockin’ at Rockville”

On Saturday, June 15, a small but enthusiastic group of Presbyterians were introduced to the new Presbyterian hymnal “Glory to God” at the Memorial Presbyterian Church in Rockville.  In a large sanctuary with beautiful organ and piano instruments available, two doctoral students at the Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music helped show the new possibilities of using the hymnal–even in smaller congregations.

The Rockville Church has known great “days of glory” in the past, but presently struggles to attract newer and younger participants in a largely rural county with declining population.   Brian McNulty and Brian Mueller, along with Hymnal Advocate Rev. Tim Jessen, introduced ways to use contemporary music in exciting and innovative ways.   At one point, participants joined in praising God with drums and other percussion instruments, including an ordinary cast-iron frying pan.

The new hymnbook will include “old favorites,”  (and some omitted from recent denominational hymnals), as  well as new songs and hymns from around the globe.   Though participation in the two workshops to introduce the Hymnal in Ohio Valley was smaller in terms of both the number of  congregations and participants represented, those who attended were enthused, encouraged, and ready to sing joyfully “new (and old) songs of praise.”

Indeed, they were really “Rockin’ at Rockville” and enjoying the joy of music in praise.    It was heartwarming to see one of our smaller membership congregations provide such gracious and welcoming hospitality.

Thus far,  events have been held in Rockville and Jeffersonville, with a Region presentation earlier in Bloomington.  An additional workshop can be planned for the Evansville area, if there is enough interest.

Tim Jessen , Hymnal Advocate, Presbytery of Ohio Valley

June Assembly Stewardship Follow-up

Prayer cards

Joy and thanksgiving on beautiful paper! What you see above are your prayers of gratitude.

At the June 8 assembly you were invited to bring prayers of thanksgiving forward after the sermon, written on small squares of origami paper. I took them home and put them in a jar, praying your thanksgivings with you.

I expected it to be fun. I didn’t expect to be so moved that tears came to my eyes.

Opening each prayer turned out to be an opportunity to acknowledge the generous working of God in the lives of others. It was like looking at a meadow full of different wildflowers. When we are thankful for these gifts that are dear to us, we hold them close to our hearts, and that means we attend to them and we tend them. Caring for the gifts we have received from God is at the heart of stewardship.

Thank you for the privilege of sharing your prayers.

~ Michelle

Coming Up: In a month or two you can expect to see newsletters and other resources for nurturing the joy of your congregation as they steward all the gifts and resources you have been given for your ministry, from skills and vocations to buildings and finances.

Feel free to write with ideas:

And write or call (812-292-0950) if you’d like to join me in this work!

Assembly Report for June 8, 2013

Some of What Happened at Assembly on June 8, 2013

Commissioning—As our worship/work began, the Assembly celebrated and commissioned people to several special tasks:

Nearly a dozen young people who will serve PYOCA were commissioned to that special ministry.  In addition many of the three dozen youth and leaders of the Presbytery’s delegation to the Youth Triennium were commissioned to this mission.  Leaders from Madison, Seymour, Columbus First, Dale and Bloomington First were also present for this service.

Also, Rev. Rachel Pedersen was recognized for her recent certification as a Certified Christian Educator in the PC(USA).  Rachel is the Assoc. Pastor at Bloomington First.

Presentation of a new campus ministry came through the presentation of IU Kirk.  Bloomington United and First Church Bloomington have worked together to develop a new campus ministry.  It is a more holistic concept of ministry than the traditional campus work many of us knew.  Rev. Mihee Kim-Kort is the director of this ministry which seeks to serve all Presbyterian youth on IU Campus.

Retirement Recognition for Rev. Linda Peters.   Linda has been the first and only pastor of Unity Church in Terre Haute.  Linda celebrated communion at the close of the meeting.  She was recognized and granted the status of Honorable Retirement at our meeting.

Smock Foundation Presentation   Smock is a source of programmatic and financial support for ministry to the senior aged Presbyterians in the state of Indiana.  Three people were present to promote a creative program which focuses on “Body, Brain and Belief”.  A training is going to take place in October to assist people in implementing this type of ministry.

Necrology Report was offered and the work of dozens of Ruling Elders who died during this last year was remembered.

The Statistical Report was given by the Stated Clerk.  The report focused on the very positive stories in our life together.  We had a net loss in membership, but a small one.  We took in more members than those who were lost to death or transfer.  The big category of loss that we have not yet conquered is people who simply become inactive.  The clerk suggested a focus on “closing the back door” by engaging all members in the ministry of our congregations.

Stewardship A new focus on Stewardship was offered by our preacher for the day, Michelle Bartel.  Michelle propounded an understanding of Stewardship based in Joy, Abundance and passionate response to God’s gifts.  Michelle is also, the new head of the Stewardship work group in the Presbytery.