The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Category: Presbytery

  • Philippines Typhoon Haiyan

    PDA is responding to the Philippines in collaboration with our mission partner the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) and fellow members of the ACT (Action by Churches Together) Alliance. An initial grant of $50,000 from One Great Hour of Sharing funds will help provide emergency food, water and other basic humanitarian needs…

  • How Can YOU Share in the Ministry of Care?

    ALL members of POV churches, especially Deacons but also others, are invited to learn more about assisting with caring for those in your congregation. The POV Academy’s January 17-18 class, “Sharing the Ministry of Care,” will help you: Gain comfort and competence with home, hospital/nursing home visits Practice ministry of Presence listening skills Reflect on…

  • Ordination: Martha Anne Lasher

    The Presbytery of Ohio Valley invites you to attend the ordination of Martha Anne Lasher to the ministry of Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) First Presbyterian Church, 417 N. Elm Street, Brownstown, IN 47220 on Sunday, October 20th at 4:00 p.m. (ET) 812-358-4198 Reception immediately following. All ministers are invited to vest and wear red stoles.

  • October Gathering of the North Central Region

    Join us for fellowship, food, worship, and program on Monday, October 14th from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. The gathering will be held at First Presbyterian Church (221 E. 6th St., Bloomington). The church is located a short distance east of the downtown square. To assist with a count for the meal, please RSVP to Sadie in the church…

  • What Happened at Assembly September 14, 2013

    The Assembly host was the Central Presbyterian Church of Terre Haute.  Worship was led by the Presbytery delegation to the Youth Triennium 2013.  Several young people and adults from our delegation to Triennium were part of a presentation and of testimony to the event itself.  Triennium is a national gathering of Presbyterian Youth every three…

  • North Central Region Motorcycle Ride

    Presbytery of Ohio Valley North Central Region Motorcycle Ride Saturday, October 5, 2013 The ride begins at Brownstown Presbyterian, 417 N. Elm Street, with kickstands up at 10:00am. We will take a picture in front of each church we visit and will stop for lunch along the way. Join us at Brownstown for the full route,…

  • North Central Region Meeting for 8/15/13

    Gathering of the North Central Region Thursday, August 15th 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Brown Co. Presbyterian Fellowship 602 State Road 135N The church is located on the left (west) side of 135 N, after going up a long hill leaving Nashville. Join us for fellowship, food, worship, and program. To assist with a count for…