Category Archives: Continuing Education

Final CRE Continuing Education Class for 2013

Advent, Christmas and Epiphany
CRE Continuing Education Opportunities

The final “Sacred Seasons” preaching workshop will be led by the Rev. Dr. Laura Reason, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Highland, Ind. Dr. Reason is a nine-time teacher of preaching and worship leadership to Synod of Lincoln Trails ruling elders.

The final workshop is November 2 and will focus on Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. Registration deadline is October 25th.

Cost: $35 per class. Includes lunch and teaching materials.

Class will be held at Philo Presbyterian Church in Philo, Ill from 9:30am – 2:30pm (Central Time).

For more information contact Kristi Miller via email or by calling (800) 566-5996.

Upcoming Synod Events

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CRE Continuing Education Opportunities

The “Sacred Seasons” preaching workshops are led by the Rev. Dr. Laura Reason, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Highland, Ind. Dr. Reason is a nine-time teacher of preaching and worship leadership to Synod of Lincoln Trails ruling elders.

The the last two workshops for 2013 are:

– August 24 – Pentecost II – Registration Deadline, August 16th

– November 2 – Advent, Christmas and Epiphany

Cost: $35 per class. Includes lunch and teaching materials.

Classes will be held at Philo Presbyterian Church in Philo, IL from 9:30am – 2:30pm (Central Time).

For more information contact Kristi Miller via email or by calling (800) 566-5996.

The Art of Transitional Ministry and Transitional Executive Education

MALT Regional Education for Transitional Ministry

We live in a time of great transition in our churches and culture. Transitional Ministry Education is intended for those presently engaged in or inquiring about the nature of transitional ministry. This includes Temporary Transitional Ministry positions; which may include interim ministry, designated ministry, other temporary ministry or Installed Transitional Ministry positions. Committee on Ministry members and presbytery staff persons with responsibility for congregations in this time of transition will also find the education helpful.

Training dates for Regional Education for Transitional Ministry are October 28-November 1, 2013 at Mercy Center in St. Louis, MO.

For more information click here.

Transitional Executive Education

Learning will focus on: Identifying and working with multiple layers of organizational system complexity; identifying and working with multiple cultures within an organizational system; Identifying and working with governing body infrastructure and applying the work of the people and the work of the leader to governing bodies.

Training dates for Transitional Executive Education are November 1-4, 2013 at Mercy Center in St. Louis, MO.

For more information click here.

COM/CPM Immersion and Empowerment Event

October 3-5, 2013
Champaign, Illinois

This synod-wide event was created by the eight Executive/General Presbyters of the Synod of Lincoln Trails. It will focus on the development of COM and CPM moderators and vice-moderators.


  • Keynote Speaker: Author, Carol Howard Merritt
  • Workshops
  • Partners: The Board of Pensions and the Office of General Assembly
  • Experts: Members of COMs and CPMs will spend time with other members
  • Moderators: The moderators and vice-moderators of committees will have time to spend together
  • Worship: Joy Douglas Strome, Pastor of Lakeview Presbyterian will lead worship
  • Registration deadline: September 23, 2013

Cost: No registration cost or cost for meals. (See the brochure for hotel cost and details.)

For more information contact Kristi Miller by email or phone,

(800 ) 566-5996.

Click here to see the brochure.

From Embers to a Flame

Dr. Reeder revitalized Pinelands Presbyterian Church in Miami, FL, and was the founding pastor of Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church. For the last twelve years he has been the senior pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Dr. Reeder is the author of From Embers to a Flame—How God Can Revitalize a Church? He is devoted to the ministry of church revitalization and hosts intensive courses, both nationally and internationally.

Time & Dates: Thursday, Sept. 12, 2013: 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. (Pastors only session; lunch included)
Thursday, Sept. 12, 2013: 6:30 p.m.–9 p.m. (Pastors and their teams)
Friday, Sept. 13, 2013: 6:30 p.m.–9 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 14, 2013: 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Cost: $50 per person or $250 per team (pastor and open number of church members)
Location: Evergreen Ministries, 4512 48th Street, Hudsonville, MI 49412
Textbook: From Embers to a Flame: How God Can Revitalize Your Church
(To facilitate discussion, each participant is expected to have read the book.)
Register: Register Online Here (Questions? Call Carl Bosma – 616-957-6022)
Sponsor: Calvin Theological Seminary’s Institute for Global Church Planting and Renewal (IGCPR)

Become a Better Leader!

Two opportunities are coming soon to enhance the leadership skills of all members of POV churches and their pastors.

There are still a few more openings in the POV Academy’s Presbyterian Polity seminar, taught by Rev. Joyce Lieberman, Associate for Constitutional Interpretation of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Although registration officially closed July 15, as long as we have space you can still register. Our own Rev. Susan McGhee will be the leader of the Academy’s Congregational Leadership. Registration closes September 15, but it is likely to fill up before that, so get your registration form in early.

Both seminars will be held at Camp Pyoca: Polity on September 20-21 and Leadership on November 15-17. No advance preparation is necessary, although those attending will receive a brief bibliography which they might find helpful.

More details may be found on the posters and registration forms, located on the Academy webpage of the POV website. You may also contact Barbara Snyder for more information.

Mediation Skills Training Institute

Lombard Mennonite Peace Center Offers Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders

Everyone Has to Deal with Conflict 

Conflict is normal and inevitable – whether in the home, school community, church or workplace. Leaders in all walks of life often have a responsibility to help others work through their conflicts.

The Mediation Skills Training Institute presented by the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center (LMPC) is designed to equip church leaders with the skills necessary to deal effectively with interpersonal, congregational mediation and consultation, placed within the context of family systems theory.

Who will benefit:

  • Pastors and Interim Pastors
  • Judicatory Leaders
  • Denominational Officials and Church Consultants
  • Lay Leaders and Pastor-Parish Committee Members
  • Administrators
  • Managers and Supervisors
  • College and Seminary Students
  • Attorneys
  • Community Mediation Center Staff and Volunteers

For more information visit the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center website.

Synod Offers Leadership Development Opportunities

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Continuing Education Opportunities

The “Sacred Seasons” preaching workshops are led by the Rev. Dr. Laura Reason, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Highland, Ind. Dr. Reason is a nine-time teacher of preaching and worship leadership to Synod of Lincoln Trails ruling elders.

The 2013 workshops are:

  • February 9 – Lent & Easter
  • May 11 – Pentecost I
  • August 24 – Pentecost II
  • November 2 – Advent, Christmas and Epiphany

Cost: $35 per class. Includes lunch and teaching materials.

Classes will be held at Philo Presbyterian Church in Philo, IL from 9:30am – 2:30pm (Central Time).

For more information contact Kristi Miller via email or by calling (800) 566-5996.

The Art of Transitional Ministry

MALT Regional Education for Transitional Ministry

We live in a time of great transition in our churches and culture. Transitional Ministry Education is intended for those presently engaged in or inquiring about the nature of transitional ministry. This includes Temporary Transitional Ministry positions; which may include interim ministry, designated ministry, other temporary ministry or Installed Transitional Ministry positions. Committee on Ministry members and presbytery staff persons with responsibility for congregations in this time of transition will also find the education helpful.

Training dates are May 6-10, 2013 at Mercy Center in St. Louis, MO.

For more information click here.

Young Presbyterians Scholarship

Download the brochure | Download the letter

Dear Friends,

Since 2002, Westminster College has offered a very special scholarship opportunity to PC(USA) young men and women. The scholarship was designed to invite students who are outstanding both in their academic abilities and church involvement to consider Westminster as their college choice.

Every year, the scholarship has increased. Every year, the students who receive the scholarship continue to pursue excellence in faith and academics on our campus. Every year, we pray for more churches to offer this wonderful opportunity to a young person.

Because Young Presbyterian Scholarship students are exactly the kind of student Westminster desires, we are inviting congregations to nominate two (2) students, and not just one. And we have moved our deadlines for nominations to December 1st, with student application deadlines having changed to December 15th, simply due to the fact that pastors do not see some of these students on as regular a basis as a teacher or coach. In addition, the scholarship has been increased to $18,000/year or $74,000 over four years.

We are serious about education, and serious about getting outstanding students to continue pursuing knowledge and faith with us here at Westminster College. We hope that your Presbytery will encourage nominations through your website/informational materials and will keep the enclosed brochures in your resource offerings for pastors, youth pastors, CE directors and members. My contact information is on the brochure, and I would encourage questions.

Many thanks and many blessings,

Carey Anne M. laSor
Assistant to the College Chaplain & Coordinator, Young Presbyterian Scholars Program

Westminster College Box 66 New Wilmington, Pennsylvania 16172-0001
Telephone (724) 946-71 17 Fax (724) 946-6090